FFF 12.5% 0.9¢ forbidden foods limited

Ann: Update on Capital Raising Transaction , page-4

  1. 128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    Excellent news IMHO. I admit, I was not expecting this to happen after the first announcement. The fact that the deal is still likely to go ahead following due diligence is an excellent sign RE: the underlying financials of the company. Plenty of these kinds of deals have fallen through once the books have been handed over. My understanding is that, in essence, the proceeds from this private investment will almost entirely be used to pay off debt - ie. it's not capital for the company to use for new projects/expansion/etc? This suggests to me that the private investment group think that FFF is fundamentally in good shape and is already in a good BAU operating position which can provide them with some serious value - this debt situation just needed to be resolved.

    All just my opinion only. Oh, and obviously the opinion of whoever put down buys for 2m shares at 1.6c this morning in pre-trade following the announcement ;)
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Mkt cap ! $5.150M
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0.9¢ 0.9¢ 0.9¢ $4.95K 550K

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5 872504 0.8¢

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0.9¢ 594996 6
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Last trade - 11.05am 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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