scathing view of credit suisse on oz housing, page-40

  1. 337 Posts.
    play2win...railway is but one project that can not sustain whole economy (as large as it is ... 9000 km of fast rail...)

    its one thing what china says and another what china does...

    according to electricity spent, tonnage of goods transported by trains and some other stuff (you can read about it on economy thread) it is clear that china is lying considerably to us and themselves (about their economic miracle)!

    i know that its not like:" they wont make another lightbulb in china ever again" but they 'overspent' through a stimulus of 2 years ago...even they have their limits in 'spending the future monies' !

    and that means that they ordered 2 years of iron and coal too many as well!

    do we have something else to do (or somebody else to sell to) for next 2 years ?

    specially considering that half of our 'producers' are feasable only at record commodity prices ?

    clouds are all over the economic is nice that you people are optimistic but after certain degree of optimism there has to be a degree of delusion conteplated if you still see rays of sunshine coming through !
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