'genes reveal indian influence in australia', page-8

  1. 1,486 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13
    Supermoose is on the money. Alan Redd and Mark Stoneking have published their findings nearly fifteen years ago.
    Anyone who ever believed the Australian Aboriginals were here by themselves for the last 40 000 years is very naïve.

    The do gooders and politically correct have been trying to push this theory for many years, and to their credit, they've been remarkably successful. "History" has a way of evolving, and if we're told something enough times, over enough years, it starts to become the accepted view.

    Anyone who presents a different view runs the risk of being villified and ridiculed. Their reputations undeservedly sullied. Grahame Walsh, Ian Wilson, Keith Windschuttle are a few that come quickly to mind.
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