hooray for another viewpoint on climate change

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    An interesting alternate opinion on Climate Change - plus reference links:-

    "Ignore witch doctor Flannery—the galaxy determines climate
    The Biosphere of Earth is a product of extremely long galactic cycles, shorter solar cycles and fluctuations in density and frequency of cosmic radiation.
    Only a witch doctor like Tim Flannery would blame changes in climate on bad spirits—carbon dioxide in this case—inside the Biosphere, to keep people ignorant of the galactic and solar forces which drive change on Earth.
    Climate Commissioner Flannery claimed in The Guardian of 11 January that the heat waves in Australia this summer are unprecedented and caused by CO2 emissions:
    “Australians are used to hot summers… But the conditions prevailing now are something new. Temperature records are being broken everywhere… The breaking of so many temperature records indicates that Australia’s climate is shifting. This is supported by analysis of the long-term trend… All of this was predicted by climate scientists decades ago, and is consistent with the increasing greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere”, he wrote.

    However, Flannery lied by omission, failing to report two crucial recent studies, both “peer-reviewed”—so he had no excuse not to read them—which undermined two of the most alarmist climate change claims for which he personally is well known — severe drought and rising sea-levels.

    An article published in November in the scientific journal Nature by researchers from Princeton University and the Australian National University revealed that claims connecting droughts to climate change were overblown and based on inaccurate modelling, and that overall, there has been less of a trend towards drought globally than previously thought.

    Also, the much-hyped claim by Flannery’s Climate Commission that global warming would raise sea-levels by a metre over the next century and inundate 250,000 houses was embarrassingly undermined by a paper published in the December Journal of Climate by J.M. Gregory, “20th-century global-mean sea-level rise: is the whole greater than the sum of the parts?”, which stated that the researchers could not link climate change to the rate of sea-level rises in the last century: “such a relationship is weak or absent during the 20th century.”

    The climate is changing—and always has changed—but what drives the change? If you don’t practise science like a witch doctor, and seek to keep your community ignorant of the universe at large by blaming natural changes on superstitions such as bad spirits or offences against the gods, you would investigate the Biosphere of Earth not from the inside out, but from the outside in.

    It is already known that Earth and the solar system traverse the spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy on a 145-million-year cycle, and in doing so “bob” up and down above and below the plane of the galaxy on a 62-million-year cycle. Both cycles expose Earth and the solar system to fluctuations in density and frequency of extremely potent cosmic radiation, and have a well-established link to cycles of extinction events on Earth, in which climate change was a major factor.
    Added to the galactic cycles are the Milankovitch cycles: eccentricity (Earth’s orbit more or less elliptical), obliquity (change in Earth’s axial tilt) and precession (slow wobble as Earth spins on its axis). Milankovitch cycles change the solar radiation received over the Earth’s surface over tens of thousands of years. The 100,000-year eccentricity cycle corresponds to the 100,000-year glacial-interglacial cycle.

    And then there’s the 22-year solar magnetic and sunspot cycle which has an enormous impact on climate and cloud formation. Changes in this solar cycle correspond with little Ice Ages such as the 17th-century Maunder Minimum.
    If humanity bowed to the witch doctors by limiting our energy consumption and destroying our industries to lower our CO2 emissions, we would be committing collective suicide and sending ourselves extinct.
    If, instead, we ignored the witch doctors, we would launch a massive manned space program to explore the solar system and galaxy, so that we could master an understanding of galactic processes, and apply that understanding to developing human civilisation on Earth and in colonies on other planets."

    Source/opinions re. this interesting article, and relevant links from
    Citizens Electoral Council of Australia.
    Disclaimer - I have NIL connection in any way shape or form with this CEC entity, which is a registered political party, nor do I necessarily agree with all of their opinion.

    BUT - here is some other informed opinion - from many qualified sources - Which doesn't put all Climate Change skeptics automatically into the class of yobbo ignoramuses.
    And about time Tim Flannery faced some realistic FLAK!
    (So comfy on his lucrative 3 day a week salary!)

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