another festering alp scandal -coming to light

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    this time it involves the bashing of a labor MP, 25 years ago, justice was never served at the time, but apparently it is raising its ugly head again...

    the bashing of labor MP Peter Baldwin, and the coverup ...
    extract 7 years ago it was still needing answers

    [While the graphic photo of the bruised and bloodied face of left-wing Labor MP Peter Baldwin has remained etched in the public conscience since his bashing 25 years ago, those responsible have never been brought to account.

    "Now, Joe Meissner, one of the central figures in the controversy, has broken his silence. Meissner, an importer as well as one of Australia's top-ranked poker players, claims it was suggested to Tom Domican that Baldwin be 'fixed up' and it developed from there. Meissner claims that Domican organised two associates to do the bashing.

    "When asked who had suggested this to Domican, Meissner replied: "Who else, our good friend Graham Richardson. Ask him."]

    Kate McClymont SMH,
    November 25, 2005

    there is also another story yet to be revealed, as to why Paul Keating requested Graham Richardson hand in his resignation

    looks like one could write enough books to fill a public library, on the corruption that is par for the course, on how the ALP does business, and wipes out whistle blowers

    dont bother responding to little stories about the liberals, that are instigated by the labor luvvies, to take you eyes off the prize,
    *******the story of one of the greatest deplorable
    examples of corruption by the ALP, and their involvement in putting up a leader of this country
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