count me out if giilard speaks, page-4

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    me too, I cannot recall ever feeling this way, I cannot bear to look or listen to her...

    I find her patronising, and extremely immature, her language can be vile and disgusting, and in the next breath she pretends to purr like a cat.
    She is as bogan and feral as one could be. There is nothing worldly, or mature about her. She appears to be stuck in a time warp, of the heady days of the school yard, where they bitched and fought their feral wars. She appears not to have matured or grown up.

    we have had some bad pm's in the past...but none like this...
    Hawke might have made me laugh, the old bodgie, alcoholic..
    bully, wife beater, who got to the highest office, like a turtle on a pole, then wondered how he got there, but acted hungover for most of his term.

    Keating might have amused me, while I wondered about his sexuality....I dont know what it was , but I thought he was a bit gay...
    no offence there... its just he has the typical acid tongue, like Patrick White, and Patrick's biographer Marr.

    Billy McMahon, well how can you be invisible, and a nothing, it was his gorgeous wife that got our attention.

    Fraser was hopeless, he looked and acted like a boring old cow cockie, but I loved Tammy. Now there is a lady, and the only one who was fit for the office, of the highest office in our country.

    John Howard, unobtrusive, but huge intelligence, an excellent speaker, who could explain it to the laymen, in easy to understand language. No pretence or high faluting changes in his tone, depending on who he was speaking to. Just plain , straight forward common sense. Janet was a great addition to the team, and a true lady.
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