exit tax on super , page-70

  1. 11,123 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 427
    Hi frack, what I was trying to indicate was that in some cases using your own marginal tax rate outside of super can be better than paying a flat 15%. Horses for courses, yes I have income (investments) outside of super in my spouses name hence through design my income is virtually zero. It just seems that there is a slight gap between 55 and 60 for our generation), not working, no other taxable income that super may not be the best option, unless I have missed something. To fully explain my situation would take too much time and space, but I am comfortably covered. My point probably is that I hate paying tax if I can find a way to avoid it. But I appreciate your point that I should have drawn the non-preserved amount out of super and invested in my name to use my tax-free threshold, but alas I rolled it over into an SMSF for a term deposit just after the and before the tax-free threshold was raised. I think its all around the timing of my retirement, as I was still under 60 there were a few years in transition and unfortunately during the aftermath of the GFC so things were a bit tentative. But that will change when I hit 60 and doesn't matter any more.
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