international forecaster september, 2005 (#3) - go, page-5

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    SEPTEMBER 2005 (#3) Vol. 9 No. 9-3

    P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951-0518

    An international financial, economic, political and social commentary.

    Published and Edited by: Bob Chapman
    E-mail Address
    [email protected]



    American’s have lost control of their government. They no longer have any voice on how their government operates. Ninety percent of our House and Senate and our executive branch do not have our best interests at heart.

    All branches of government are run as secretly as possible and some in complete secrecy to the detriment of our people. Our government is run by a shadow government from behind the scenes as Dan Smoot said so many years ago. Perfect examples are the CIA and FEMA. Back in 1979 President Carter instituted an executive order, which rolled many of the disaster agencies into FEMA. Today it is a 7,500 member agency including disaster-ready reservists. Its new role, in addition to disaster relief, is related to terrorism and civil unrest. Now its new duty is to assume the safety of our government. If their performances in the hurricane region are an example, we can kiss our government goodbye. What FEMA has the power to do is take over the reins of government and implement a dictatorship. You name it and they can do it.

    Worse yet, FEMA’s powers did not come from Congress; they came from an elitist President via executive order. This turkey farm is run by unelected officials who happen to be political trash. These political appointees can become dictators. Of course, the shadow government behind them all is really pulling the strings. Thus you have to observe their every action to determine what they are really up to. Needless to say FEMA is no longer a disaster agency. It is where political favors are dumped and it is a housing for dictatorship whenever the elitists decide to make that move. It is also being used for clandestine operations and preparing for that national emergency that was planned many years ago. Why is our Congress sitting on its hands when FEMA spends over $1 billion a year on operations they won’t explain? That is because our Congress responds to the highest bidder and the elitists have an endless supply of money. Americans know very little about FEMA and that is deliberate.

    The media hides FEMA by not talking about it and its executive mandate of control. For 25 years FEMA has tried to overturn the Posse Comitatus Act by using the military in domestic law enforcement. A good example was recently in New Orleans when FEMA tried to force Governor Blanco to give control over to law-enforcement and the National Guard and Reserves. FEMA held up aid to the hurricane region for four days trying to get the governor to succumb. She did not and FEMA and the people of Louisiana were the losers. How dastardly can you get?

    FEMA is a backup government for elitists. It was created to control the American public. It is the enemy.

    The economy has begun to slow as real estate for sale inventory rises. Until at least next June the economy faces not just this natural slowing but also higher energy prices, increased interest rate costs and 14 million taxpayers who will be hit with the AMT, the Alternative Minimum Tax on 1/1/06 for an average of $2,000 per household. During that period inflation will rise and wages will remain stagnant. That also means higher unemployment and lower house prices. All of the above are going to take a toll on consumer spending, thus we expect the economy to slow over the next nine months. We see GDP slipping to 2.75% growth, which is just above recession level. We will update in a couple of months.

    Consumers are scrambling to lock in energy costs even at these elevated levels. In New England heating oil is $2.61 a gallon up from just $2.00 a week ago and $1.00 higher than a year ago. Energy costs are going to cost the consumer dearly this winter and it will affect the economy.

    The Administration has gotten nowhere trying to get the Europeans to help form a worldwide coalition to stop Iran’s pursuit of nuclear power. India, Russia and China have rebuffed a Bush proposal to bring the issue before the UN Security Council for possible sanctions. Iran has not broken any agreements and is operating within guidelines. Many are concerned that a few years down the line, when they can, they will go in the direction of nuclear weapons.

    Not only has our President by executive order allowed contractors to pay below prevailing wages in the crisis torn hurricane region, but also they have suspended normal federal contracting rules. Hundreds of millions of dollars in no-bid contracts have already been let out and millions more are to flow to the private sector in the weeks and months to come. Leading the charge are Halliburton, Bechtel and Fluor. The Feds, FEMA are shoveling money out the door and the lobbyists and connected companies will make a fortune. When all is said and done more than $150 billion of taxpayers’ funds will have been spent. The bulk of the contracts will go to elitist connected companies and campaign contributors. They will make fortunes.

    There is no question in our minds that non-action and obstruction by FEMA was part of a plan to exert complete federal power over operations. We mentioned that last week when FEMA-Bush and the neocons tried to force Louisiana’s Governor to allow FEMA to take over and control all law enforcement. This would set a precedent for violating the Posse Comitatus Act. They also wanted the American public to accept the concept of total federal control as the only answer to disasters or the control of civil unrest.

    Mr. Bush expressed his height of arrogance when he said he would personally lead an investigation to see what went wrong in the aftermath of Katrina. We wonder does he fashion himself as Caligula or Nero?
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