four corners tonight punch drunk, page-44

  1. 13,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    My soap box for many years already and will not suit those that have striven hard to get us in this predicament already but like so many already sideswiped to become victims....this creation is coming to a doorstep near you too...been watching the wave for years now and such a simple scenario in conscience to see...if this country held an active and collective conscience but it does not anymore it seems and may never again in living memory.

    Our do-gooders/social engineers have been gutter loving drunk with regulatory power not ever taking a break in punching the daylights out of us all for at least two decades already, always it will be king hit's and backed up with a punitive steel cap to the face just for the regulated fun of it..... no better humans than the thugs of the type portrayed as heinous in the media modernly.

    Gets on my goat this long term designer regulated effort to de-individualize all Australians...a socio-political way of lobotomizing basic community and values and every person in the country little by little regulation by regulation until they are/become of the elitist minority's decreed lobotomized type....still a way to go too.

    This dehumanization of all things individual and free allows greater and greater numbers per capita to hold the very logical and human concept that they cannot show any greater care or respect for any other person as an individual than the law/authority and zealot fundamentalist driven society has endowed them with as individuals.

    Nowhere to go now but further down under these designer socially engineered antihumanist like dogmas, I have been proffering the scenario for years and the trend remains unbroken still, accelerating even this last 6 years...there are now literally hundreds of thousands of younger Australians (under 35 say) just itching for modern society to give them a scenario where they may pay their personal treatment all back in kind....they will be as ruthless in their treatment of all others as individuals as they have been taught to respect their selves as individuals since birth.

    We live in the psychologically sickest 1st world country on the face of the planet.

    Going to take decades to reverse the the trend.

    Every uber elite and sophisticated society (when they get this far) must go this way and in oz we have already passed the point where a citizens in death holds more lawful rights than they where allowed to consider possible in life.

    Expect much more of this come and just put up and shut up, the identical people who if born under society 50 years ago would have held pride in their existence and in others natively as a direct result solely because they had the unalienable human allowance to be a free individuals with free thought and will already.

    We are going to really need to up the punitive punishments into the future.......nowhere else can this lead because humans already evolved frontal lobes with executive functions before being born into modern Oz society...indiscriminate caging of them physically is against the law but indiscriminate caging of them psychologically has become a zealot ridden billion dollar industry for years already.
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