money doesn't make you happy ... a myth, page-14

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    Agree, mostly... some people are happy doing what they do for little, however, it is nice not to have financial stress.

    I know that years ago, guidance counsellors advised kids to do what they like doing and that usually means what they are good at.

    Having gone through the 80's when the "greed is good" thing was happening, many of my friends were working in professions getting considerably more than myself, having extended lunches etc. In my position I could not do this. I didn't so much envy them as feeling I was a bit of an idiot for being the most qualified and the least paid, also felt a bit isolated.

    Interesting enough, many people in this time came unstuck in the market collapse 1987.... being out of the loop, I didn't.... being older and sillier I came a little unstuck in the latest market demise.

    Agree, it's great if people can do what they are good at, but it is good if people get rewarded for their endeavours, talents.

    Things are changing rapidly with globalization..... many people happily and gainfully employed in the MIDDLE classes in the USA are now finding themselves just surviving, poor, homeless, unemployed..... whilst some who never have enough want more and more and more.

    Things have to change for the young ones to have hope, heaps of people, even well off, are having to look after their kids at home into their late 20's.... over here in WA, rents are ridiculous, house prices are ridiculous... the two speed economy, when the boom ends will end in tears, because we have not looked after the farmers, the manufacturers.... we can't rely on phony pumped up "assets" in our homes, our super funds are the same if you think about it.... some 480,000 people, I think I read are employed in "financial services" ..... maybe not as bad as Iceland.... but it is really quite silly who is getting paid what at the moment. The people who employ people who produce things, make things are getting screwed down further and further, whilst many providing financial "services" are feeding off our investments.... what happens when the asset bubbles burst? We've all been fed lies about what is worth what, because our values are all screwed up we consume the rubbish served up to us.

    Don't know if you have kids, I worry about them because I see more than ever before (in my life time) the real wealth and means falling into fewer and fewer hands. Maybe we ned a depression to bring values back to some sensible level.

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