February Top 3 Tipping Comp, page-163

  1. 18,597 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 276
    Actually 3rd illio. For some reason of late there seems to a be fault in the automatic updating of "all" the stock codes. It seems to only do 25% of them, the rest need to be manually updated.

    Well without further ado

    ....CONGRATULATIONS to......


    On being the leader at the end of February's Top 3 Competition.

    Thank your for everyone else that was in the competition.

    Find below 2 tables, 1st table consists of alphabetical order of all players, followed by ranking order of all players.

    Cheers Mark

    Rank Name Total Rank Name Total
    1st skhammer 43,913.04 118th 67shelby 26,284.19
    2nd Johno247 40,046.26 114th Aksier 26,716.43
    3rd illio 38,000.00 81st aussieyank 28,296.70
    4th Pocko 37,652.06 142nd Bbarns 24,048.48
    5th DGK92 35,211.84 87th bcsiles 28,181.82
    6th nata12 34,975.85 64th bedrock 29,151.93
    7th helchas 34,570.51 95th beetle25 28,000.00
    8th noir 34,420.77 119th bevter 26,269.84
    9th pizza8686 33,571.39 76th bigshareshead 28,652.41
    10th Profit Taker 33,066.55 49th Blueroo 29,789.40
    11th UnclePanda 32,678.28 144th bowral 23,630.95
    12th kmac 32,566.09 32nd bullbar 30,777.45
    13th rjm1 32,246.38 128th burj 25,852.27
    14th George89 32,191.41 38th cappo22 30,456.73
    15th Jako64 32,166.67 141st cara 24,135.90
    16th mbrine 31,859.65 147th Cman 21,531.56
    17th winsam 31,758.56 28th colonnade 30,940.15
    18th kellbys 31,750.04 48th coxy09 29,912.85
    19th PurpleXS2 31,746.38 110th cyclopes 27,133.34
    20th jm69 31,685.65 26th Dave1479 31,093.42
    21st firsova 31,439.54 93rd Dazedandconfused 28,007.66
    22nd nutcracker 31,372.66 126th debarwa 26,046.49
    23rd KapitalK 31,298.57 24th dextross 31,247.08
    24th dextross 31,247.08 5th DGK92 35,211.84
    25th nickball 31,240.29 70th dooby 28,888.89
    26th Dave1479 31,093.42 60th doyle 29,363.96
    27th robbo_145 31,032.33 29th draftyau 30,854.84
    28th colonnade 30,940.15 137th drillinto 25,119.76
    29th draftyau 30,854.84 130th drwho181 25,768.57
    30th trade4profit 30,854.59 90th exberliner1 28,110.03
    31st golden6 30,800.79 74th falcon347 28,765.39
    32nd bullbar 30,777.45 91st felixhamish 28,060.15
    33rd Maaze 30,616.52 94th Fibonarchery 28,007.58
    34th maglincer 30,605.69 21st firsova 31,439.54
    35th happypunter 30,540.51 92nd forrestfield 28,046.93
    36th RevelsCat 30,519.94 88th frmen1 28,167.42
    37th V8 30,515.69 82nd Gary140857 28,293.65
    38th cappo22 30,456.73 40th genem 30,314.63
    39th rustyone 30,435.03 14th George89 32,191.41
    40th genem 30,314.63 124th gizzy 26,049.85
    41st glenr 30,190.91 41st glenr 30,190.91
    42nd magix66 30,165.08 31st golden6 30,800.79
    43rd snodger 30,125.00 78th GomezAddams 28,394.58
    44th ink 30,000.00 135th grahamc58 25,338.68
    45th whispering 29,983.63 134th grahamsmith 25,359.52
    46th vogliobene 29,979.17 35th happypunter 30,540.51
    47th rur 29,976.36 7th helchas 34,570.51
    48th coxy09 29,912.85 132nd Hotfire 25,522.73
    49th Blueroo 29,789.40 3rd illio 38,000.00
    50th mmlh 29,774.44 44th ink 30,000.00
    51st Kaineupton 29,707.70 98th interestedtoo 27,801.83
    52nd Rock555 29,695.52 144th invest4it 23,630.95
    53rd speculator101 29,661.71 15th Jako64 32,166.67
    54th waranaphil 29,628.72 20th jm69 31,685.65
    55th Nath228 29,559.28 2nd Johno247 40,046.26
    56th supertramp 29,517.66 51st Kaineupton 29,707.70
    57th TEZ 29,504.59 23rd KapitalK 31,298.57
    58th newbieguy 29,416.35 18th kellbys 31,750.04
    59th ultimatum 29,411.76 133rd kezzler 25,446.64
    60th doyle 29,363.96 112th kippax 26,992.48
    61st MasseyFerguson 29,318.68 12th kmac 32,566.09
    62nd Scarin 29,285.71 69th kpkg 28,916.26
    63rd nitrogeon 29,279.69 143rd leonidis 23,908.76
    64th bedrock 29,151.93 136th lillythepink 25,197.37
    65th transarensa 29,130.67 117th Lindo 26,400.23
    66th urkss 29,104.23 80th loris 28,301.91
    67th rebel1 29,102.56 77th Lucky7Country 28,490.49
    68th zipperlip 29,038.96 33rd Maaze 30,616.52
    69th kpkg 28,916.26 104th maddogjim 27,544.43
    70th dooby 28,888.89 42nd magix66 30,165.08
    71st SSkim 28,874.62 34th maglincer 30,605.69
    72nd malmoe 28,805.76 72nd malmoe 28,805.76
    73rd timbo70 28,801.31 139th marginplayer 24,465.86
    74th falcon347 28,765.39 61st MasseyFerguson 29,318.68
    75th RavingStark 28,685.71 16th mbrine 31,859.65
    76th bigshareshead 28,652.41 101st MICK2 27,692.23
    77th Lucky7Country 28,490.49 86th misterd 28,187.83
    78th GomezAddams 28,394.58 50th mmlh 29,774.44
    79th Slush 28,318.17 140th Moe Sizlack 24,465.20
    80th loris 28,301.91 6th nata12 34,975.85
    81st aussieyank 28,296.70 55th Nath228 29,559.28
    82nd Gary140857 28,293.65 58th newbieguy 29,416.35
    83rd shares2 28,255.21 25th nickball 31,240.29
    84th waymax 28,246.15 127th nihilism 26,004.96
    85th TitusPullo 28,223.02 97th NitrousOxide 27,935.90
    86th misterd 28,187.83 63rd nitrogeon 29,279.69
    87th bcsiles 28,181.82 8th noir 34,420.77
    88th frmen1 28,167.42 22nd nutcracker 31,372.66
    89th wolfie3556 28,138.53 106th parcel456 27,239.73
    90th exberliner1 28,110.03 96th PeterJ 27,986.72
    91st felixhamish 28,060.15 105th pitto100 27,389.36
    92nd forrestfield 28,046.93 9th pizza8686 33,571.39
    93rd Dazedandconfused 28,007.66 4th Pocko 37,652.06
    94th Fibonarchery 28,007.58 10th Profit Taker 33,066.55
    95th beetle25 28,000.00 19th PurpleXS2 31,746.38
    96th PeterJ 27,986.72 125th Rameez 26,049.26
    97th NitrousOxide 27,935.90 75th RavingStark 28,685.71
    98th interestedtoo 27,801.83 67th rebel1 29,102.56
    99th soundasleep 27,795.88 113th retrac 26,755.04
    100th roaminoz 27,785.05 36th RevelsCat 30,519.94
    101st MICK2 27,692.23 13th rjm1 32,246.38
    102nd scammer 27,596.53 109th RNF 27,138.80
    103rd zac2500 27,551.16 100th roaminoz 27,785.05
    104th maddogjim 27,544.43 27th robbo_145 31,032.33
    105th pitto100 27,389.36 52nd Rock555 29,695.52
    106th parcel456 27,239.73 107th rockboy 27,215.54
    107th rockboy 27,215.54 121st Roel 26,225.32
    108th thomas59 27,206.44 129th rosyoutlook 25,797.10
    109th RNF 27,138.80 47th rur 29,976.36
    110th cyclopes 27,133.34 39th rustyone 30,435.03
    111th ssailor 27,018.95 116th ruzikpower 26,527.84
    112th kippax 26,992.48 102nd scammer 27,596.53
    113th retrac 26,755.04 62nd Scarin 29,285.71
    114th Aksier 26,716.43 83rd shares2 28,255.21
    115th wobblyboots 26,550.43 138th simrose 24,866.87
    116th ruzikpower 26,527.84 1st skhammer 43,913.04
    117th Lindo 26,400.23 79th Slush 28,318.17
    118th 67shelby 26,284.19 43rd snodger 30,125.00
    119th bevter 26,269.84 99th soundasleep 27,795.88
    120th tex3 26,246.67 53rd speculator101 29,661.71
    121st Roel 26,225.32 111th ssailor 27,018.95
    122nd treasurehunter 26,161.62 71st SSkim 28,874.62
    123rd stz 26,116.71 123rd stz 26,116.71
    124th gizzy 26,049.85 56th supertramp 29,517.66
    125th Rameez 26,049.26 120th tex3 26,246.67
    126th debarwa 26,046.49 57th TEZ 29,504.59
    127th nihilism 26,004.96 146th thegooch 22,850.18
    128th burj 25,852.27 108th thomas59 27,206.44
    129th rosyoutlook 25,797.10 73rd timbo70 28,801.31
    130th drwho181 25,768.57 85th TitusPullo 28,223.02
    131st Warnie 25,765.90 30th trade4profit 30,854.59
    132nd Hotfire 25,522.73 65th transarensa 29,130.67
    133rd kezzler 25,446.64 122nd treasurehunter 26,161.62
    134th grahamsmith 25,359.52 59th ultimatum 29,411.76
    135th grahamc58 25,338.68 11th UnclePanda 32,678.28
    136th lillythepink 25,197.37 66th urkss 29,104.23
    137th drillinto 25,119.76 37th V8 30,515.69
    138th simrose 24,866.87 46th vogliobene 29,979.17
    139th marginplayer 24,465.86 54th waranaphil 29,628.72
    140th Moe Sizlack 24,465.20 131st Warnie 25,765.90
    141st cara 24,135.90 84th waymax 28,246.15
    142nd Bbarns 24,048.48 45th whispering 29,983.63
    143rd leonidis 23,908.76 17th winsam 31,758.56
    144th bowral 23,630.95 115th wobblyboots 26,550.43
    invest4it 23,630.95 89th wolfie3556 28,138.53
    146th thegooch 22,850.18 103rd zac2500 27,551.16
    147th Cman 21,531.56 68th zipperlip 29,038.96

    Name Code Ended Started Code Ended Started Code Ended Started Total
    67shelby GGP 0.003 0.004 BCC 0.048 0.047 ANP 0.012 0.014 26,284.19
    Aksier ICG 0.044 0.049 NAE 0.060 0.075 AXE 0.185 0.190 26,716.43
    aussieyank APG 0.029 0.031 FKP 1.710 1.720 ERM 0.090 0.100 28,296.70
    Bbarns CTR 0.018 0.022 CDB 0.026 0.039 NVG 0.023 0.025 24,048.48
    bcsiles CTR 0.018 0.022 TTE 0.015 0.015 BNE 0.002 0.002 28,181.82
    bedrock NEU 0.039 0.035 MNE 0.081 0.095 COI 0.275 0.290 29,151.93
    beetle25 ISN 0.076 0.070 LMG 0.010 0.010 FOY 0.005 0.007 28,000.00
    bevter AVQ 0.019 0.021 LOM 0.008 0.009 AEM 0.010 0.012 26,269.84
    bigshareshead CTR 0.018 0.022 ACG 0.100 0.085 CNQ 0.074 0.085 28,652.41
    Blueroo POS 0.235 0.235 IDC 0.100 0.115 RES 0.355 0.320 29,789.40
    bowral CXY 0.005 0.008 AEM 0.010 0.012 AVQ 0.019 0.021 23,630.95
    bullbar WPG 0.096 0.095 SER 0.040 0.043 TTI 0.083 0.073 30,777.45
    burj AQD 0.036 0.064 CKA 0.225 0.220 TPL 0.004 0.004 25,852.27
    cappo22 LYC 0.620 0.640 TTE 0.015 0.015 TON 0.056 0.052 30,456.73
    cara OEL 0.092 0.100 MOU 0.011 0.012 RDM 0.225 0.390 24,135.90
    Cman ICG 0.044 0.049 CNO 0.105 0.155 NXR 0.052 0.090 21,531.56
    colonnade SRI 0.089 0.092 PEX 0.435 0.420 CIX 0.180 0.165 30,940.15
    coxy09 PEN 0.033 0.039 CTD 4.370 4.000 GXY 0.400 0.380 29,912.85
    cyclopes MTH 0.041 0.048 UEQ 0.035 0.033 RXM 0.555 0.695 27,133.34
    Dave1479 ROC 0.530 0.480 MLX 0.150 0.155 MCR 0.970 0.935 31,093.42
    Dazedandconfused LNC 2.700 2.430 AVH 0.125 0.125 AUZ 0.020 0.029 28,007.66
    debarwa IVR 0.105 0.140 RED 0.910 1.030 DRA 0.505 0.520 26,046.49
    dextross POH 0.150 0.145 MLX 0.150 0.155 QBE 13.380 11.920 31,247.08
    DGK92 AXE 0.185 0.190 CTP 0.170 0.125 RAU 0.019 0.016 35,211.84
    dooby LKO 0.007 0.007 FAR 0.043 0.043 LOM 0.008 0.009 28,888.89
    doyle JAL 0.275 0.260 NAE 0.060 0.075 KAR 6.990 6.480 29,363.96
    draftyau FAR 0.043 0.043 APG 0.029 0.031 BML 0.023 0.020 30,854.84
    drillinto MOZ 0.023 0.043 SBM 1.320 1.435 WPL 37.500 35.470 25,119.76
    drwho181 IOG 0.260 0.290 SSN 0.034 0.039 NWE 0.038 0.047 25,768.57
    exberliner1 BSM 0.011 0.011 AKK 0.021 0.023 ICG 0.044 0.049 28,110.03
    falcon347 GUN 0.059 0.075 ICN 0.220 0.210 MAT 0.370 0.355 28,765.39
    felixhamish PEK 0.130 0.175 MNE 0.081 0.095 PYM 0.115 0.095 28,060.15
    Fibonarchery SCI 0.091 0.110 OVL 0.019 0.024 RDS 0.130 0.110 28,007.58
    firsova LRS 0.195 0.150 PXS 0.555 0.680 INQ 0.370 0.360 31,439.54
    forrestfield AXM 0.042 0.041 CVG 0.019 0.022 MOU 0.011 0.012 28,046.93
    frmen1 PGI 0.110 0.100 PEN 0.033 0.039 CNQ 0.074 0.085 28,167.42
    Gary140857 ADO 0.065 0.063 PXG 0.250 0.280 AVQ 0.019 0.021 28,293.65
    genem BMZ 0.175 0.200 TZL 0.100 0.150 RRS 0.073 0.049 30,314.63
    George89 AVB 0.078 0.077 PEN 0.033 0.039 CTP 0.170 0.125 32,191.41
    gizzy POK 0.380 0.355 CNO 0.105 0.155 ANP 0.012 0.014 26,049.85
    glenr ESI 0.010 0.011 CTP 0.170 0.125 BKP 0.006 0.008 30,190.91
    golden6 LOM 0.008 0.009 EPD 0.540 0.470 MAT 0.370 0.355 30,800.79
    GomezAddams BCC 0.048 0.047 MAD 0.615 0.615 TEG 0.018 0.022 28,394.58
    grahamc58 SPS 0.015 0.017 QPN 0.005 0.006 CTR 0.018 0.022 25,338.68
    grahamsmith CSD 0.091 0.096 AMX 0.300 0.380 RXM 0.555 0.695 25,359.52
    happypunter AQD 0.036 0.064 CDY 0.032 0.021 MLX 0.150 0.155 30,540.51
    helchas VOR 0.022 0.015 AGS 0.185 0.195 IFE 0.250 0.240 34,570.51
    Hotfire IDO 0.115 0.160 MTE 0.145 0.160 BND 0.255 0.275 25,522.73
    illio RMR 0.002 0.001 BRD 0.002 0.002 THR 0.008 0.010 38,000.00
    ink MBO 0.075 0.080 RND 0.340 0.320 LKO 0.007 0.007 30,000.00
    interestedtoo AKK 0.021 0.023 IOG 0.260 0.290 RNS 0.165 0.170 27,801.83
    invest4it AEM 0.010 0.012 AVQ 0.019 0.021 CXY 0.005 0.008 23,630.95
    Jako64 AJM 0.175 0.175 LRS 0.195 0.150 STX 0.110 0.120 32,166.67
    jm69 NWE 0.038 0.047 LYC 0.620 0.640 AHZ 0.032 0.023 31,685.65
    Johno247 AZY 0.170 0.075 ICG 0.044 0.049 DRK 0.105 0.125 40,046.26
    Kaineupton LNC 2.700 2.430 LYC 0.620 0.640 GBG 0.245 0.275 29,707.70
    KapitalK PNN 0.050 0.033 GBE 0.069 0.068 CNN 0.003 0.005 31,298.57
    kellbys CNO 0.105 0.155 TNP 0.037 0.023 LOM 0.008 0.009 31,750.04
    kezzler UNV 0.094 0.115 CMY 0.008 0.011 ACB 0.115 0.115 25,446.64
    kippax SUD 0.032 0.038 AVH 0.125 0.125 ANP 0.012 0.014 26,992.48
    kmac OTC 0.115 0.120 RFL 0.135 0.100 TIS 0.275 0.290 32,566.09
    kpkg ANP 0.012 0.014 AVH 0.125 0.125 POH 0.150 0.145 28,916.26
    leonidis NRU 0.021 0.037 NMR 0.017 0.019 WHN 0.026 0.028 23,908.76
    lillythepink BMB 0.105 0.105 CXY 0.005 0.008 NMR 0.017 0.019 25,197.37
    Lindo DCG 2.460 2.490 RDF 1.130 1.615 NAN 0.500 0.525 26,400.23
    loris AVB 0.078 0.077 AGY 0.076 0.093 ERJ 0.006 0.006 28,301.91
    Lucky7Country SRM 0.295 0.310 POS 0.235 0.235 MHM 0.175 0.195 28,490.49
    Maaze WCN 0.024 0.025 RXL 0.068 0.062 SIR 2.060 2.050 30,616.52
    maddogjim CSD 0.091 0.096 MHM 0.175 0.195 ESI 0.010 0.011 27,544.43
    magix66 GRB 0.170 0.135 MHM 0.175 0.195 DCN 0.460 0.535 30,165.08
    maglincer PRR 0.115 0.105 FMS 0.072 0.078 MAT 0.370 0.355 30,605.69
    malmoe OGY 0.026 0.022 AKK 0.021 0.023 GMX 0.033 0.042 28,805.76
    marginplayer CVG 0.019 0.022 MNC 0.045 0.062 CEL 0.090 0.105 24,465.86
    MasseyFerguson ISN 0.076 0.070 PNO 0.002 0.002 COK 0.110 0.130 29,318.68
    mbrine MNE 0.081 0.095 PIO 0.027 0.027 ORO 0.004 0.003 31,859.65
    MICK2 LOM 0.008 0.009 MYG 0.085 0.098 AVB 0.078 0.077 27,692.23
    misterd BKP 0.006 0.008 IXR 0.125 0.135 MKE 0.120 0.105 28,187.83
    mmlh BGS 0.006 0.006 DEG 0.017 0.014 TPT 0.290 0.380 29,774.44
    Moe Sizlack ICG 0.044 0.049 KFE 0.165 0.220 RXM 0.555 0.695 24,465.20
    nata12 LOM 0.008 0.009 TNP 0.037 0.023 MOO 0.008 0.008 34,975.85
    Nath228 NXS 0.170 0.190 MAH 0.310 0.270 AKK 0.021 0.023 29,559.28
    newbieguy AZS 0.077 0.067 DRK 0.105 0.125 BUX 0.400 0.420 29,416.35
    nickball LCR 0.042 0.030 SVL 0.047 0.054 CWE 0.035 0.041 31,240.29
    nihilism MAD 0.615 0.615 CNO 0.105 0.155 SGQ 0.180 0.195 26,004.96
    NitrousOxide RDM 0.225 0.390 VOR 0.022 0.015 GGP 0.003 0.004 27,935.90
    nitrogeon AKK 0.021 0.023 AJQ 0.340 0.335 TTE 0.015 0.015 29,279.69
    noir ICG 0.044 0.049 TSN 0.005 0.005 NEA 0.105 0.068 34,420.77
    nutcracker BCC 0.048 0.047 LNC 2.700 2.430 SIR 2.060 2.050 31,372.66
    parcel456 SUD 0.032 0.038 COK 0.110 0.130 NDO 0.029 0.028 27,239.73
    PeterJ SLR 2.190 2.550 SFR 6.850 7.800 OSH 7.750 7.300 27,986.72
    pitto100 PSA 0.180 0.210 AKK 0.021 0.023 LYC 0.620 0.640 27,389.36
    pizza8686 RXL 0.068 0.062 AZS 0.077 0.067 LNC 2.700 2.430 33,571.39
    Pocko NWE 0.038 0.047 TTN 1.685 1.250 TNP 0.037 0.023 37,652.06
    Profit Taker MAR 0.008 0.010 TNP 0.037 0.023 ICG 0.044 0.049 33,066.55
    PurpleXS2 AHZ 0.032 0.023 BLT 0.013 0.015 MOU 0.011 0.012 31,746.38
    Rameez PLV 0.230 0.230 ARM 0.075 0.087 PEK 0.130 0.175 26,049.26
    RavingStark MGN 0.940 1.000 AJL 1.750 1.750 DTE 0.130 0.140 28,685.71
    rebel1 PNO 0.002 0.002 OBJ 0.015 0.018 EGO 0.014 0.013 29,102.56
    retrac SBR 0.130 0.180 HOR 0.185 0.145 CNO 0.105 0.155 26,755.04
    RevelsCat AVH 0.125 0.125 BLG 0.235 0.260 MAH 0.310 0.270 30,519.94
    rjm1 AHZ 0.032 0.023 OBJ 0.015 0.018 PIO 0.027 0.027 32,246.38
    RNF CDU 3.740 4.330 HCH 0.705 0.740 MHM 0.175 0.195 27,138.80
    roaminoz BCC 0.048 0.047 OTH 0.740 0.780 SOC 0.190 0.235 27,785.05
    robbo_145 APN 0.300 0.290 LYC 0.620 0.640 VMS 0.220 0.200 31,032.33
    Rock555 BCC 0.048 0.047 TIS 0.275 0.290 MAD 0.615 0.615 29,695.52
    rockboy AKK 0.021 0.023 NWE 0.038 0.047 AEE 0.140 0.140 27,215.54
    Roel AXE 0.185 0.190 CNO 0.105 0.155 NTU 0.170 0.175 26,225.32
    rosyoutlook GCN 0.012 0.009 GXN 0.001 0.003 AKK 0.021 0.023 25,797.10
    rur ARE 0.058 0.053 CAS 0.370 0.350 COK 0.110 0.130 29,976.36
    rustyone AVB 0.078 0.077 QPN 0.005 0.006 UNS 0.425 0.355 30,435.03
    ruzikpower LYC 0.620 0.640 PEK 0.130 0.175 BLR 0.016 0.017 26,527.84
    scammer NVG 0.023 0.025 TNC 0.010 0.013 POK 0.380 0.355 27,596.53
    Scarin QPN 0.005 0.006 GGE 0.003 0.003 PRR 0.115 0.105 29,285.71
    shares2 BCC 0.048 0.047 SRM 0.295 0.310 MNE 0.081 0.095 28,255.21
    simrose SBR 0.130 0.180 GUF 0.450 0.470 TLG 0.230 0.285 24,866.87
    skhammer BNE 0.002 0.002 HTX 0.002 0.001 AHZ 0.032 0.023 43,913.04
    Slush LOM 0.008 0.009 MZI 0.022 0.026 RXL 0.068 0.062 28,318.17
    snodger IVR 0.105 0.140 NEN 0.255 0.240 ANO 0.018 0.015 30,125.00
    soundasleep CNO 0.105 0.155 POK 0.380 0.355 ADO 0.065 0.063 27,795.88
    speculator101 MSR 0.130 0.170 BRU 2.700 2.340 ICN 0.220 0.210 29,661.71
    ssailor SSN 0.034 0.039 BCC 0.048 0.047 CCC 0.055 0.068 27,018.95
    SSkim BCC 0.048 0.047 LYC 0.620 0.640 MHM 0.175 0.195 28,874.62
    stz MAD 0.615 0.615 PEN 0.033 0.039 JIN 2.220 2.900 26,116.71
    supertramp NEU 0.039 0.035 MNE 0.081 0.095 ACL 0.325 0.330 29,517.66
    tex3 ANP 0.012 0.014 IDC 0.100 0.115 ICG 0.044 0.049 26,246.67
    TEZ ADO 0.065 0.063 MHM 0.175 0.195 BCC 0.048 0.047 29,504.59
    thegooch AMX 0.300 0.380 GRY 0.345 0.515 PRU 1.610 1.950 22,850.18
    thomas59 CSD 0.091 0.096 CTR 0.018 0.022 AKM 0.105 0.110 27,206.44
    timbo70 ORO 0.004 0.003 AUZ 0.020 0.029 ANP 0.012 0.014 28,801.31
    TitusPullo ACL 0.325 0.330 PXS 0.555 0.680 CUV 2.400 2.350 28,223.02
    trade4profit ICG 0.044 0.049 BSM 0.011 0.011 RAU 0.019 0.016 30,854.59
    transarensa ADO 0.065 0.063 RED 0.910 1.030 TLS 4.590 4.600 29,130.67
    treasurehunter LOM 0.008 0.009 BGS 0.006 0.006 CMY 0.008 0.011 26,161.62
    ultimatum BLR 0.016 0.017 AEE 0.140 0.140 ACB 0.115 0.115 29,411.76
    UnclePanda BCC 0.048 0.047 RFL 0.135 0.100 IOG 0.260 0.290 32,678.28
    urkss POS 0.235 0.235 AVB 0.078 0.077 MHM 0.175 0.195 29,104.23
    V8 CNO 0.105 0.155 KKO 0.310 0.210 ICG 0.044 0.049 30,515.69
    vogliobene MOO 0.008 0.008 CSD 0.091 0.096 JMS 0.105 0.100 29,979.17
    waranaphil CTP 0.170 0.125 CDU 3.740 4.330 MLS 0.017 0.023 29,628.72
    Warnie NEU 0.039 0.035 NRU 0.021 0.037 NMR 0.017 0.019 25,765.90
    waymax DRK 0.105 0.125 CVN 0.059 0.065 EGO 0.014 0.013 28,246.15
    whispering LNC 2.700 2.430 SBM 1.320 1.435 SRI 0.089 0.092 29,983.63
    winsam KOV 7.100 7.170 RDM 0.225 0.390 TNP 0.037 0.023 31,758.56
    wobblyboots MZI 0.022 0.026 LOM 0.008 0.009 OEL 0.092 0.100 26,550.43
    wolfie3556 CFU 0.050 0.055 AVQ 0.019 0.021 HRL 0.012 0.012 28,138.53
    zac2500 NXS 0.170 0.190 MMC 0.135 0.130 MRP 0.300 0.365 27,551.16
    zipperlip AVB 0.078 0.077 FAR 0.043 0.043 PCL 0.098 0.110 29,038.96
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