climate change dept to be axed by swan?, page-7

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    how is it that this "joke" of a government is allowed to keep going - flinging our money into so many of their own indulgent gutters -

    Why no official whistleblowers? No Govenor-General appeal from some auditor - and quick intervention? Cutting off of Supply - their fiscal recklessness now becoming so drastically damaging? Asking the hard questions - bringing this hopeless crew into account. For their airliner's going to crash. Costing all of us Billions.

    We have Flannery being paid $180,000 p.a. for doing exactly what? Three days a week "work?" What work? The climate on Earth has been changing for millions of years - we all know that - kids know it - it goes in relentless but set cycles, caused by huge changing solar and other infinite Universe scientific mores and cyclic climatic changing events, nothing whatever to do with the recent appearance of Man on Earth.

    Labor, however, suddenly world experts on such a massively complex infinite situation, in their own minds, can't be told - finances a whole concrete block in Canberra - yep - lots of votes in these jobs - packed with well paid public servants - for nothing - and only recruits and garners scientific opinions 100% favorable to falling in line with their own pet theories they then dictate to all of us in out and out cheap propaganda - refusing to listen to other scientists equally convincing (and often more knowledgable) viewpoints at all.

    A bit like the massive official cover-ups in the USA over Unidentified Flying Phenonemen - (there was even a token Congressional Hearing with this title in the 60's) - but it gradually became apparent the CIA and the FBI and Project Blue Book had, from the outset, since the 1947 flaps, officially set in motion a deliberate official order (from the top) to debunk and ridicule - make the public think anyone who even went near any decent UFO scientific research had to be some kook - and all sightings were reported by idiots and could be explained away as "balloons" or swamp gas. Debunking and ridicule was the official plan put in place then - and is still the modus operandi of the cover-ups still happening today around the world. The media having been hooked in to the "laughing at that nutter" routine. All sightings ALWAYS a "joke".

    and so it is with Labor. Knowing little themselves, rope in all those who agree with you - (as the UFO debunkhers did with THEIR choice of which scientists views they would heed) and don't allow any opposing opinion! "We know best!" Nanny State stuff.

    Lots of hangers on, public service groupies living the high life in Canberra doing not much, (though the restaurants up there are chockers I'll bet) - and fat public servant bureacrats knowing this whole scheme is a farce and a mirage, living off the hog as revealed in outrageous costs incurred, in keeping this building up and running - as well revealed in your post OXY. This carbon tax machine now a huge scandalous money raking in scheme for the select elite - a whole rotting edifice of monumental greed and misinformation.

    And around the world - carbon tax pricing deals will be the next big world rip-off scam. The delight of the big bankers and money men. Politicians just their lackeys.

    Two young single parent women rang talk-back when Senator Stephen Conroy was on air - absolutely desperate now -and told of their desperation now their fundings have been drastically cut.
    One said she and her kids were existing on soup and pasta - what she gets now, after the recent Labor cuts to these poor single parents, doesn't even help cover the rent, the energy and other bills.

    As she said - getting a job is not easy - in light of school pick-up times - and fines for being late to after-school care, regarding interviews, etc.

    He tried to sound as if he cared, but Conroy was more interested in jousting with his co-interviewee Joe Hockey, and extolling the virtues of his multi-billion $ NBN. After all, even when starving, at least people are compensated, he seems to think, by faster computer speeds. Well, if they even HAVE a computer. But how does a single parent Mum or Dad, battling on their own, no extended family or anyone able to help, compensate for not being able to feed their kids adequately, let alone get to pay crucial bills, thanks a great deal to these new rules and income cuts.

    And allegedly Conroy's not remotely up to this NBN caper, anyway, many who know more than me have contended elsewhere.
    Arrogance not the best substitute for capability, whatever the field of endeavour. But he sees this somehow as his personal "monument!"

    Why have Labor lost already? Because, as I keep saying, they only, ever, care about themselves, and their own self-preservation and survival. For us, our families, our welfare, they care not one jot.

    Their constant motto - ceaseless ideological point scoring in highly organised (allegedly McTernan's) sick games of one-upmanship - all done accompanied by arrogant, and vicious vile sneers.

    No one elects a Party they've come to loathe and hate. Led by whomever. No.

    The Master Stroke of such arrogance - Ms. Gillard deigning to tell us the election's still 6 months away! (She knows we're all screaming for it to be immediate!)

    Then, now "Queen-like", then she gives us the ultimate betrayal - the real bird - starting the electioneering at Rooty Hill for a week - when she said she wasn't going to electioneer. Just govern. Just cannot keep her word.

    Is there some overseas remote diplomatic post which needs filling urgently in Foreign Affairs? Craig Emerson - if so - please hop on the next plane and take it. You are making yourself a laughing stock here at home, now.

    "Time Reveals Truth" - Seneca.

    And some truths are, finally, coming home to roost. I hope the finalisation of the AWU allegations scandal is one of them. But crucial files missing - so, like having a suddenly "can't play" full forward - can win - or lose, the "game". So who knows?
    For life isn't fair. Not always.

    Curtin and Chifley - if they could come back, I suspect, would be sitting, mortified, their heads in their hands, in deep despair. The wreckage of the Labor Party they once knew and loved piled up at their window.

    Election, now, please MS. Gillard - put a stop to this ghastly, costly, charade.
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