what is france up to?

  1. 4,941 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 147
    Simply put, France is acting as a blocker to the USA and resolution of the M-E situation, out of 2 motives:
    preservation and protection of its previous (and, quite possibly, continuing) military procurement relationship with Iraq;
    avoidance of discovery of its role in equipping (or assisting Iraq to be equipped with the formative components of its WOMD programme);
    protecting its own commercial and strategic interests in the region; and
    oh, by the way, to advance its own deliberately laid out neo-colonialist aspirations in Africa.

    At the very same time as France demands that the USA work within the United Nations system, France has in recent weeks systematically sent in troops (without UN sanction) to each of Sierra Leone, and then, into Ivory Coast.

    Now, according to the ABC (this morning), France has boosted its Ivory Coast deployment.

    Whilst the purposes of France's deployment can be linked to protecting French nationals (and assets), it also appears to have been linked to forcibly determining an outcome to the internal affairs of Ivory Coast.

    It could be argued that President Laurent Gbagbo originally sought the supportof the French, but if that is so, then why are President Gbagbo's supporters now demonstrating against the French, and the French brokered peace plan which effectively hands control of Ivory Coast to the rebels?

    Personally, I find none of this surpdrising, as the French have always been renowned for pursuing their own expansionist interests, whilst opposing resolution of issues in the M-E.

    Perhaps it is time for the UN and for the Security Council to consider what France is doing in Africa?

    *France boosts Ivory Coast contingent*

    France has sent extra troops to Ivory Coast, after several days of
    anti-French demonstrations.

    The French Government also says it is ready to evacuate its nationals at
    short notice.

    French forces in the African nation are on alert after four days of
    violent protests.

    Activists have vandalised French-owned businesses and attempted to storm
    the French embassy.

    Several French banks have already evacuated their staff and Air France
    has cancelled several flights to Ivory Coast.

    The demonstrations are in response to the signing of a French-brokered
    peace deal between the Government and rebel groups.

    Supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo strongly object to the agreement,
    which allows the rebels to join a government of national unity.

    The Army also says it will not accept the deal.

    Ivory Coast has been in disarray since September, when rebels staged a
    mutiny and took control of more than half of the country.
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