gaweb - peace....?!?!?!, page-9

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    re: yak --gaweb - peace....?!?!?! Geez.... this is like that WWW WAR - wrestling - tag team event

    Milesg - "As for the jewish remarks probably not called for but when you keep shoving your religion in peoples faces you have to expect to have it shoved back."

    I do not believe I shove my religion in anyone's faces. If you read my posts you'll know I am an atheist but with a strong allegiance to the Jewish people.

    If I defend when attacked, so be it.

    And you posted earlier similar crap...that somehow, by posting on Israeli or Jewish stuff, I somehow deserve the rabid anti-semitic crap that dribbles out of some of the rectums prancing about here on H/C

    That's crap. If it comes out as sh$t - its a friggin sewer to start with

    And viper me ol mate, I have on many occasons said the Israeli management of the issues has been less than perfect. Many times

    And I have, on many occasions, said the settlement need to be pulled back and somehow addressed.

    Whatever happenes to the Pallies in the territories when the ADF responds to a terrorist be it.

    Yet I have never EVER heard you or any of your mates unequivocally reject, admonish and berate the Pallies for their committment to the eradication of the state of Israel.

    Not once.

    'Nuff said cause I opted out of the ME debate ages ago
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