radicals end up teaching your kids, page-17

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Sarcophagus


    "i have a hard time seeing what could be worse than this, next step might as well be the equivilent of sharia law and naziism. "


    On a material level, we could be doing a lot worse than this. There are billions living in the third world living with much worse problems than us.
    On a cultural level, well, there are many ways we could be doing much better. Opinions differ as to what "better" actually means though lol.


    "imo, a good way to combat a sickness is to not feed it, physically or emotionally - pull out our supports as we are able, and focus on creating things that more worthwhile - after all, the structures that we allow to dominate and enslave us are only a house of cards, smoke and mirrors - reflections of our own constricting delusions."


    Too true. That's the difference between revolutions imposed from above and real change that comes from below.
    I am way too sceptical about all "revolutions" imposed from above or outside to ever trust wanky little revolutionaries
    getting off on their own little trip. It's been the same since the French revolution onwards, what starts out as a just cause ends up feeding on itself.

    I agree that real revolutions start with confronting our own delusions, as opposed to confronting the "delusions" we are told to. Then it's just more social engineering.

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