radicals end up teaching your kids, page-18

  1. 2,458 Posts.


    from that first link you provided

    "We oppose oppression in all its forms including racism, sexism, homophobia, classism and imperialism. We demand liberation and justice for all peoples. We recognize that we live in a capitalist system that favors a select few and oppresses the majority. This system cannot be reformed or voted out of office because reforms and elections do not challenge the fundamental causes of injustice"

    right on!!!

    How come the faction of the 19690000 Weather Underground 01 which continues today as the 19750000 Prairie Fire Organizing Committee 01. think they have the right to selected a few ism's & phobias that they oppose yet leave out the most oppressive ism's known to mankind, communism.

    I agree capitalism has it's faults but most of the faults are created by the socialist side of politics & the public services demand for protectionist polices which large businesses like but small businesses struggles to fund, hence the growth in monopolies & duopolies.

    why is the positive sense of word "radical" nearly always seen in a negative sense - because the masses are generally ignorant and do what they are told to do anything that interferes with our pavlovic drooling response is met with hostility, by us.

    I agree, I could have chosen a better word, maybe communists

    collectively, and generally speaking, what we have created by our compliance and consent is downright appalling and despicable

    I agree again, we have been ruled & regulated into submission, there is a word for it but I can't think of it at the moment.

    the best school teacher that i had was when i returned to school as an adult.
    the 'teacher' basically spent the entire hour relaying his thoughts on moral issues

    My thoughts on moral issues are, they change like fashion and just as hard to keep up with.

    What were your teacher's thoughts.
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