radicals end up teaching your kids, page-27

  1. 7,404 Posts.

    seems that you have a relatively open mind, in the good and wholesome sense of the phrase.
    all the better for you, and all of us.

    just a couple of points

    "Didn't JD Rockerfella say"competition is sin"?"

    'white' man speak with forked tongue - "Undeterred, though vilified for the first time by the press, Rockefeller continued with his self-reinforcing cycle of buying competing refiners, improving the efficiency of his operations, pressing for discounts on oil shipments, undercutting his competition" (wikepedia)

    "real capitalism"

    "real capitalism" may be better, but ultimately it's a self-imposed limitation, or an apt sentence, for our collective 'crimes', - the gods would 'laugh' at it.
    how much money does a bird need to construct a nest, a beaver to build a dam, or bees to build a beehive?
    we may consider ourselves to be superior, some folk work for free, but it would be hard to get someone to work in a factory manufacturing cluster bombs without some naked emporer's financial incentive.

    "Perhaps along the lines that ultimately there is no evil, merely ignorance?"

    ultimately there may be nothing - creation ex nihilo
    physicality is an illusion, and thoughts are insubstantial.
    but that doesn't mean that because something has no fundamental basis for existence that it has no impact.
    as long as you are a billiard ball, you will be affected by other billiard balls.
    evil is a strongly intentive, and strongly damaging action, and is a consequence of deep ignorance, which eventually results in deep misery, hell.

    there is lines in sand and there is lines in stone.

    most of us have a choice to turn away from ignorance and pursue liberation and deeper happiness.
    ignorance is no excuse.
    if you are not watching the hammer and subsequently hit your finger with it, no amount of pleading ignorance will prevent the bleeding and pain.
    as long as we are stuck within a particular domain, we are bound by its regulations - it's not untill we learn to play that particular game masterfully and respectfully that then we can transcend it, and play good jazz.

    just out of interest, were you reading up on guy fawkes today?

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