thank god for the abc, page-26

  1. 25,626 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi MissU

    I agree with you regarding the views of the ABC that I grew up with and I hope and pray that all those older programs are safely stored away because they gave a vivid record of Australian life especially the country areas.

    But the ABC of today is a mere shadow of its former glory with the majority of the programs and attitudes being unmistakably straight from the Labor Party rule book.

    If you maintain that there is no bias it just shows your one eyed view of the world.

    The media in general has gone from reporting news to being private “blogs’ with the so called news and current affairs programs being just a particular journalist’s personal views.
    The old saying don’t let the facts spoil a good story has never been so prevalent.

    As to Abbott and his crew what is their name? They are called the Conservative Party for the reason that they are conservative which is what the majority of Australians are.

    Just because something is tried and true and trusted does not mean that it should be discarded.

    As time goes by I see more and more critical assessments of the Whitlam era which are reporting it as it was rather than as a political advertisement which forget the facts.

    Bring back the old ABC or sell it off, as it serves no useful purpose in it’s current form just a waste of taxpayers money
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