gutless abbott, page-11

  1. 8,506 Posts.

    another broken promise from abbott

    imagine how many he'll break if in govt

    interesting piece from the comments section from the mark kenny link..........

    "How about Abbot waste?
    When health minister he designed and implemented a dental scheme that was supposed to cost $90 million per year. It was so incompetently put together that it ended up costing over $900 million each and every year.
    The BER program, critical in keeping Australians working and our economy out of recession, apart from all the benefits for schools and students that will last for decades, went over budget by 5-6% or roughly $800- $960 million in one of over spend in a building industry that is infamous for going over budget. Abbot's little dental scheme went over budget by 1000% or $800- $900 million, not one off but each and every year.
    This is beside the fact that as health minister he oversaw the implementation of a health funding model that would have destroyed public health, something corrected by this government. This may have been his intention as Costello's commission of Audit revealed, the coalition see health as needing to be privatised. Undermining the public health system would help justify this move.
    Just what Australia needs, a US style health system where only the wealthy can afford proper health care, then again Abbott is all about looking after the wealthy. Rich miners, rich media moguls, even his paid parental leave, which is paid for equally by rich and poor, give far more compensation to the highest paid than those in greatest need.
    There has never been a worse alternative PM in Australia's history."

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