clocks stopping at time of death, page-10

  1. RM
    7,458 Posts.
    This is not an attack on anyone as many non christian posters do this on a regular basis. But I find it a little hypocritical or at least intellectually fraudulent to postulate a non christian belief system, whether it is New Age, Mormonism or Islam. Then in the same body of work attempt to tie it back to the Bible.

    Everyone has free will and can choose whatever their path but using Scripture to link Non biblical belief doesnt stand up to intellectual scrutiny. If you have a new age belief great but quote appropriate supportive evidence whether its from Blavatsky or Albert Pike etc. But be at least a bit consistent.

    If one is truly lost and in confusion but verses of the bible are trying to find resonance within you. Then I can understand the need to try to realign oneself with the Bible. If so the kingdom of Heaven is a topic one may want to start researching in greater depth but place it in the correct biblical context and use that as your source not from a position of heresy (backward looking).

    The kingdom of Heaven or God as it is also refered to is a complex doctrine. Parables are used to describe the Kingdom some examples are;

    Planting a seed found in Matthew 13;24 also known as the parable of weeds, a mustard seed found in Matthew 13:31, yeast found in Matthew 13:33, a treasure hidden in a field in Matthew 13:44.
    There are others as well in chapter 13 in Matthew.

    A demonstration of the kingdom of heaven is found in Luke 11:20
    "But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."

    This obviously does not mean that the Kingdom of heaven comes to you only by the means of the finger of Jesus touching you.

    Jesus death on the cross and victory over temptation, sin and death. This ultimate process provides a means for redemption for those wishing to become a part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Regards RM

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