diabetes anyone?, page-66

  1. 4,287 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    re: donhoop diabetes anyone? miles, I totally agree with you regarding doctors. I think rather than see the one doctor, it is better to keep seeing different ones so that they are starting from scratch each time and don't have any pre-conceived ideas of your health. If your problems are minor it doesn't matter who treats you, but from experience, if your problem is less obvious, a doctor is either going to pick-up that there is something that needs further investigation on your first visit or going to overlook it completely.
    For years I was trying to control high cholesterol, very high, then a doctor whom I had been referred to for a supposed heart condition twigged it was a thyroid problem. From the first moment he started asking questions I had confidence in him. He was clearly a trouble-shooter with his thinking process and process of elimination clear. He arrived at a conclusion, ordered a single blood test and was 100% corrrect.
    Of all the numerous doctors I had seen over the years, he was the only that gave me a feeling of confidence right from the beginning. Many times I had walked out after a consultation feeling that I shouldn't pay them, so little confidence I had that they knew what they were doing.
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