labor/unions rather lose the jobs than cut pay, page-7

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Trade unions are wary of productivity pleas from auto bosses as
    company boards and executives exclude themselves (and share
    holders) from the 'medicine' of pay cuts - and expect workers to
    bear the whole productivity burden, or their jobs are gone.

    There's one rule for company ganders: To remain internationally
    competitive, we must pay directors and executives Top Dollar.

    And another rule for company geese: To remain internationally
    competitive, we must pay workers Rock Bottom wages.

    And a third rule for taxpayers: To remain internationally competitive,
    we must subsidise foreign car-makers.

    Taxpayer money will be wasted. Years hence, imported Great Wall
    vehicles will dominate the market. Imported Ford, GM and
    Toyota vehicles will fight over what's left.

    Without protection, vehicles will join all the other Aussie jobs and
    industries that have been, or soon will be, offshored: Textile,
    clothing, and footwear factories, steel-making, oil refining, call
    centres, coastal shipping, etc... Plus China is buying the mining
    and agricultural geese that lay Australia's golden income eggs.

    We went from new South Wales to new South Dakota to new
    South Tibet in 200 years. Why do we find independence so
    abhorrent? It's scary down here all by ourselves surrounded
    by vast oceans. We need a Big Brother to make us feel secure.
    Hence the 2500 US Marines to be based near Darwin to warn
    China: "We saw her first, Australia belongs to us." It's too late.
    When car-making goes, we'll be New South Tibet.

    Now may be a good time to have your children taught Mandarin.
    In New South Tibet, the best jobs will go to Mandarin speakers.
    Kevin Rudd speaks fluent Mandarin. He knows what's coming.

    Border protection, where are you? Too busy chasing refugees
    to rescue sinking Aussie jobs and lost industries.
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