climate change warmists are now the deniers !, page-4

  1. 1,279 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The world isn't warming as the warmists' models claimed even though today the CO2 levels have reached 400 ppm and the increasing divergence over the years between the satellite observations and the models are actually showing no bad consequences. The reporters who have pushed along this scare -- editing out inconvenient truths while giving platforms to cranks, dreamers and planet-savers -- are not just guilty of bad journalism. They are guilty of reckless fear-mongering and a betrayal of reason. They have made a moral decision that should always be held against them. The present ABC head, Mark Scott, was chastised by the former ABC chairman, Maurice Newman; ''The ABC is not being frank and open about the way global warming is portrayed. I feel the sense of imbalance is becoming more overt with hosts of the Left, like fervent warmist Tiny Jones skewing the results.

    Just to add another point Denmor--climate modelling is NOT scientific proof of anything--it is not even science but speculation based on incomplete inputs.
    As I have said before ,the IPPC is a political body that bases its future bleeding of the common pocket on models to spread fear ,it has comparisions in recent history,weapons of mass destruction anyone??It is a fact that Israel told the Yanks there were no weapons of mass destruction,their distain for this info has resulted in a massive loss of life,credibility and moral imperitive ie who will trust them from now on?In the same way people who ask reasoned questions about Co2 effects are insulted and subjected to such ridiculous tirades that it is clear that the matter is political,mind you many of the younger generations seem to have lost the ability to think clearly or carry out a reasoned debate,these skills are so obviously lacking--we may have to try and reach them by texting---God forbid!!
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