libs switch to american party convention

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Did you see the Liberals Razzle Dazzle US-style
    sea of blue American Convention on the news?

    It looked like a Korean mass wedding between
    Tony and faithful followers with John Howard
    having a cameo role as Mr Tough Guy on
    stopping the boats as Tony's mentor in
    a select crowd with no interjections.

    Liberal Founder Bob Menzies was made of
    sterner stuff. He held open Aussie-style
    rallies in places like outside the Perth
    General Post Office where he'd parry
    injections with vigour and jest and
    the crowd would cheer his courage
    no matter which party they liked.

    Abbott is a spineless coward who hides
    in hand-picked razzle-dazzle Lib rallies.

    The very thing he hopes border thugs will confer
    on him (Aussie courage) he loses by opting for
    hysterical American-style political conventions.

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