the enemy within, page-71

  1. gga
    1,125 Posts.
    Dont blame Israel for this. What all this Islamic chaos is teaching us - whether in Europe or the Mid East or Australia - is that maybe we realise now exactly what Israel is up against and what it takes to survive.

    Not blaming Israel, kudos - it's playing the game shrewdly. I blame the idiots in those governments that put the interests of another country's people before its own people.

    In this case, I care not iota for what another country is up against. My country comes first

    ...Israel remains a beacon of development and stability in a backwards, violent part of the world. Arabs living in Israel have far higher standards of living than with their own kind.

    Good for them (I respect Jewish brains and innovation greatly, vis a vis Nobel Laureates) but see above. Now if only they could and would do it without endangering the lives of the serving men and women of other nations - again, not their fault, it's the fault of old men in power who put others' children in harm's way and thus, have no stake to lose.

    As a matter of historical record, Jews living in the caliphates of yore had "far higher standards of living" than those living in Christendom too, but I'm certain they would've preferred to be free than living under anyone's yoke, as would the "Arabs" (I prefer the term 'Palestinians')

    If Israel was "wiped off the map" tomorrow - you can forget about that appeasing the muslims. They will soon find a new excuse to wage war against civillisation.

    Truth must hurt for its detractors. Im not jewish or Israeli but its pretty clear to me where I would prefer to live and invest in the middle-east.

    Yet another strawman - no one here has suggested much less "quoted" wiping Israel off the map - I'm beginning to think your final sentence is disingenuous at best. All I'm saying (I presume your post is mainly directed at me, slightly to ron) is that countries such as the US and by lap-dog obligation, Australia, are better served by not wasting valuable resources propping up another country without tangible benefits; or if, unavoidable, at least hold the country to higher international accountability.

    On your second point, I concur strongly: the Muslims are as prickly a bunch as I've ever seen. EVERY LITTLE THING is taken as a slight - "oh, Wayne's World is mocking my religious prayers!", "Nike's shoes are insulting my God" etc. I am as angry as hell that (some) kiddies are robbed of their Christmas and Easter kindy/school celebrations. But, as ron and I say, we must gain moral capital on the "Arabs", and we cannot do that being linked to a force that is ostentatiously oppressing one of their brethren.

    Force a gun to my head, I would prefer to be munching on sabich in Israel too but where to live and where to invest isn't(aren't) the topic(s) at hand.

    Hmm...(rubs my chin)...defending a scumbag unrepentant government that has, WITHOUT DOUBT, made Australians bigger targets of terrorism. Truth must hurt for its defenders:

    A happy Rapture, or Shalom, to you.


    clacoste, this is probably a tangential (to the topic at hand) reference, but another 'success story' to add to your file.

    Bearing in mind, these are just preliminary reports, but if the victim herself says "Middle Eastern", I'd go with her account first.

    I can understand civil libertarians' concerns for information misuse and miscarriage of justice, but I think the benefits of profiling (including racial) outweighs the dangers. For one, the savings in resources and manpower: instead, we have ridiculous situations (eg in the US) where little girls are put through body patting searches.


    Focker, why o why bring in Ruddy? You have the whole of Politics to play with!
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