climate change an expensive smokescreen, page-6

  1. 1,279 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Meg this is all rehashing old propaganda which has been taken apart well and truly.

    try this

    Note that a new base line has been formed only going back to 1981, ignoring the fact that the earth is 4.5 billion years old if you watch this site for the next 200 years you may gleen some current info at least it is current and interesting.
    Just for your info,did you know that temp readings fron satellites are not actual temp readings but inferred interpretations ? not a simple matter.

    Oh by the way if you reread.....

    "Record sea-ice melt in the Arctic Ocean doesn’t raise seas because the ice already rests on the ocean."

    This is a major change from the worried,it has always been maintained that the sea level would rise to God knows how high (al Gore said 6 metres but that was thrown out by the British courts who ordered that retractions be taught in schools as the man was clearly delusional)

    So why the change of heart now Meg when we were told to abandon all hope ???even now they have got it wrong.

    As for ocean temps;

    Scientists have long searched for a "hot spot" in the atmosphere. When it could not be found, some said it must be in the oceans. Yet, since the deployment in 2003 of 3000 Argo floats (the acme of ocean temperature measurement), researchers still haven't found it.

    Can you understand the implications?

    Just on a closing note when Newman talked of the economic realities setting the pace he is totally correct,the carbon trading price has become irrelevant not because of govt but because the markets have weighted the arguments and said"this is a bad joke"
    Many banks are carrying huge for the roll back and see where the loudest sqeals come from.

    Good old markets!

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