gutless tony, page-48

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    how despicable leaders - and how typical of many Labor votes, who, like their Party, can't see the wood for the trees.

    Their constant resort to low and puerile personal attack - their only avenue.

    SO willing to look away - when the strutters, the crooks, the sociopaths, the blowhards, the pretenders, the spiteful, the haters, the divisives, so rampant in THEIR Party, get away with absolute murder - (the Lefty Luvvie Press saying naught).

    Anyway, a waste of space, attempting civil debate with the likes of yourself - when only abuse comes back.

    Laugh a minute - this "gutless" attack on Abbott. For who IS it who's really GUTLESS here? - why, one Monsieur Rudd - who can't stand on his supposedly gargantuan egotistical
    "high" reputation, as it stands now (in his own eyes) and dare call a prompt election (either before or close to the dateGillard prmised all of Australia) -

    no, like a snake, he slithers ans slides around the issue - his forked tongue always posed to strike, and kill.

    Ask him when the election will be - and get NO direct answer. Now THAT is gutless. From this little upstart.

    Why should Abbott march to the ABC Leigh Sales drum? When there is NO election date.

    After all - WHO is the Cheif Political Editor of 7.30? Why, one Mr. Chris Uhlmann! ANd WHO is Mrs. Chris Uhlmann????
    WHy, the current sitting Labor Member for Canberra.

    SO join the dots. WHO, on could quite reasonably ponder, REALLY writes the questions Sales asks anyone of the Coalition? WHO makes the vicious bullets the always fires?

    Sales holds fire when it;s one of her own (Albanese Monday night - Rudd last night) - bu when Hockey comes on, she gives him blue murder.

    We are a wake up Leigh Sales and crew! Stop playing us viewers for absolute fools! Heavily, spitefully biased interview agendas, and suggest you stop it, because we KNOW!

    I hope Abbott doesn't turn up. For why should he? Because this little pretender Rudd cocks his little finger, ABbott's supposed to jump??

    Rudd, too, vile and spiteful - "Abbott's a "Boxing Blue" - he crows, patronisingly, condescndeingly - and "I'm just the boy with the glasses, in the Library"! PAthetic little clown!

    In other words, I, Rudd, am the one with the brains. He's just a boxing "jock"!

    Well, NO, actually, Mr. Rudd - HE has a Rhodes Scholarship!

    And you were only ever a mid range public servant. Who covers up his own (alleged) huge ineptitude with endless blather and chatter - And Gettysburg Speech style Press Conferences - he's doing a good imitation of the Rob Oakeshott "Why I love/choose Gillard" speech now as a write - 17 minutes of waffle wasn't it?

    If you are going to dish out such vengeful tripe, Rudd, at least tell us the truth!

    Liberals to win in a landslide. Aussies are not THIS dumb!

    Egypt did it - got rid of a prospective tyrant. If they can do it - so can we!

    The Rudd tactic - in his own mind he's suddenly ST. George - and is going to attack lots of dragons - currently the NSW Far Right of Labor. Today! But this is all a deceptive stunt. The Rudd way to the Lodge, permanently, is to ensure, as he sees it, is to absolutely ensure (via help from his ABC and media mates) that his face is on camera daily, ad nauseum - as much as he can possibly wangle - a deliberate policy - so that HE is seen as doing something.

    Soon he'll be calling a Press Conference to announce each time he goes to the toilet. A micro management freak.

    Abbott, meanwhile, is being himself. What you see is what you get. He's not into Punch and Judy.

    Poor President Yudhoyono! Hope he's got his ear plugs in. But bet he'll be hugely interested in the Rudd yackety yack - and Rudd handing out even more largesse - thereby running up even further debt - giving the Indoensians (who take bribes fro people smugglers and deliberately send us these boats!) - giving them MORE of OUR Patrol boats, - and heaps of OUR money, too. A little like paying a murderer to go out and kill more people! Lots of the droned on the ocean floors between here and Indonesia! And Indo pirta smuggling crews, sueing US in court for damages, because we didn't know they weren't 16! All on pro bono help from bleeding heart QC's. (Yet try to sue for medical malpractice - no lawyer or doctor will help you!) Let alone do it pro-bono.

    To stop the boats which Rudd himself re-started - he himself entirely to blame, out of spite re. Howard. But typically he now lies about this, too, wriggling around to make out his border security laxness was everyone else's fault but his own.

    Behind that faked Rudd smile - the hail fellow, well met" rot - there is, I allege, danger lurking. Danger for Australia's future - should this man succeed in pulling the wool.

    ABC want him in - scared of Abbott - that he might dare try to privatise their cosy little personal fiefdom. Thus putting lots of vapid, inept, chatterers right out of a job. And into the real world - the one most of us inhabit.

    Wake up Australia! The last thing we need is this dangerous (IMO) fake and pretender.

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