the itch for absolute knowledge and power, page-3

  1. 2,458 Posts.
    I know there is only supposed to be a one sided discussion on here about this subject, but did any one else notice the divergence from reality in this film by 19080118 Jacob Bronowski 01,

    in which he states, "one is of the belief where the end justifies the means", and "into this pond were flushed the ashes of some 4 million people."

    Well apart from being hypocritical, because this man was one of the crowd of mathematician engaged by bomber command to calculate the best bombing pattern to use so as to enveloped the civilians of French and German cities, Jacob Bronowski obviously believes with certainty that "the end justifies the means".

    Now on to the "into this pond were flushed the ashes of some 4 million people." bit.

    This is the pond Jacob Bronowski so melodramatically waded into as if he were Ghandi.

    Auschwitz II Birkenau Pond of Ashes 01

    Cremated remains of a corpses is on avg 2.3 kg which would mean "into this pond were flushed aprox 140 of these."

    Now Jacob Bronowski, being a mathematician, surely would have known that this was not possible, but he also knew some people would swallow this rubbish.

    It should also be noted that digging holes around Auschwitz II is not a good idea as the water table is close to ground level.
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