what is worse- ignorance or hatred?, page-3

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    Cheers Ronsterm,
    The point I would like to make is takeaway the truth and you have ignorance. Combine that with faith and you have a virtue of non thinking.
    Faith is about trusting beyond reason and logic. To arrive at truth one must constantly live in a state of doubt. Therefore Religions create ignorance.
    What is the acquisition level before knowledge becomes part of core beliefs ? At a very young age before puberty.
    How many people even consider re-evaluating ? (Especially in a Religion)
    You have the thinkers that have their lives accustomed to change and applying new information and others have set their lives firmly around what they have grown to know and any change is dramatic.
    To continue to be fully operational one must constantly evaluate every bit of data that enters the sub-conscious.
    Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Jews all are right from each of their own perspectives. Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, Iranians and Americans; conservatives, liberals, progressives, each believe likewise. Each applying their status quo.
    Hatred on the other hand is intolerance of other people's choice of thought and belief.
    We have Islam continuously hitting the hammer with intolerance towards others that don't have the same viewpoint and a Dr. Abdullah Badr—an Egyptian Muslim scholar, Al Azhar graduate, and professor of Islamic exegesis recently gave an excellent summation of love and hate namely that the true Muslim should love and help fellow Muslims while hating and being disgusted by non Muslims. There are many cases of hatred in Religions.

    Hope this has answered something.
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