the myopic stupidity of racism, page-36

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    If you've ever wondered how Howard and
    his secret agents 'stopped the boats':

    There was a clandestine Black Ops (meaning no
    accountability if deaths occurred) CIA-style
    program (the Indonesian Government was
    kept in the dark about) to sabotage boats
    to prevent them leaving Indonesia with
    Indonesian police being bribed to
    to turn a blind eye or assist boats
    being sabotaged so they would
    be unseaworthy. If any did
    get into sea-lanes to
    Australia, the over
    the horizon radar
    was switched off.

    Nobody will even know how many sabotaged
    refugee boats foundered - for Howard and
    Abbott to claim the Libs 'stopped the boats'.

    Now Abbott is claiming he'll Stop The Boats
    but he won't reveal the "Black Ops" how to
    Aussie voters lest they vomit in disgust.
    Rudd is all at sea over refugees. Only
    the Greens will abolish Ruddock's
    Gulag Archipelago of prisons.
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