rudd now a kokoda survivor ?, page-69

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yes -

    our good mate - fought Rommel - then went to New Guinea - and got shot up by Japanese snipers. Out in this jungle. The bloke in front of him - shot dead. As was the bloke behind him.

    Took him three days to get back to his lines. Only creek water on his wounds saves him from a gangrene engendered death. In hospital, back here, for over a year.

    And Rudd now being compared to these blokes - THAT image - blokes who did it so tough - in those jungles - no guides, support, help, or even anyone knowing what they were enduring - is referred to for even more of the Rudd worship, to add to his pathetic never ending quest for his own self-glorification.

    Seems Rudd will use any cheap or trashy or dirty advantage on his opponents - JUST to get himself re-elected.

    His refusal to name en election date an absolute insult and disgrace to electors. And all their non-voting dependants.

    To me, this is not the sign of a man nowhere near stable enough, mentally and emotionally, to be allowed to run this country, moreso in such desperate times - the ones Rudd helped to inflict on us, himself.

    He can dish out plenty - but cannot take it.

    We need strength - not him toadying up to the likes of Yudhoyono, cap in hand, waiting on doing what Indonensia tells US they think we should do, re. some "boat persons" Summitt Rudd says Yudhoyono is organising, and wants (commands?) us to attend. Who is running this country - US - or the Indonesians. Weak as water!

    One of the most frightening aspects of having Rudd in the chair - is that somehow he thinks that, by his jumping on planes ans rushing off oversea every five minutes, that somehow shows us that he must be, as a result, a "strong leader".

    Sadly, it's only all about his own ego. Bet his desk in Canberra is always cleared - shiny, and barely used for any hard slog!

    Ironic too - that Mrs. Rudd - made all her money during the conditions prevailing during the much better off Howard years!
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