boat people will never live in australia..rudd, page-68

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Rudd has trumped Abbott twice in a row now.
    He trumped Abbott's "No Carbon Tax" Queen.
    He trumped Abbot's "I'll Stop The Boats" King.
    Rudd is coming up Aces. Abbott is the Joker.

    Pity about Labor's slave trade in refugees.
    Papua gets paid millions to take refugees.
    Rudd gets the Lodge. Abbott gets lost.
    White Australia loves Rudd to little bits

    I'll be voting Green as will many others.
    Both major parties are steeped in evil.

    God is not mocked. This ain't over.
    What we sow, we shall also reap.
    It will be a bitter harvest. When
    or how I don't know. But today
    will be remembered as the day
    evil crept in like a needle and
    grew among us like an oak.

    My escape plan to England is looking more
    necessary. I don't want to live here when
    it's reaping time. There will be weeping
    and teeth gnashing. It's gunna be ugly.
    Like Rudd's heart and Abbott's mind.

    And there will be no rest for the wicked
    after Australia became a rogue nation.
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