gg quentin bryce should be sacked, page-17

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    which "confidence" is that. Hanrahan - which you claim for this (shambles of a) "Government".

    None of this motley lot are actually "governing". They're all too busy - trying to prop up their own tumbling walls.

    If they have "Confidence" - then whose? Why are they then, so scared to recall and face Parliament. HOW long can he go without being REQUIRED to recall Parliament. Thought this a democracy?

    Which SHOULD be recalled - Rudd cant get away with his vicious stalling tactics, forever. (Meanwhile he's making all of us taxpayers foot the gargantuan bills for HIS electioneering millions whilst he does). Full page advertising in today's dailies. Endless TV propaganda. Useless "stop coming here by boat" in every language known (and unknown) to man! A useless waste of money scam - covering up his OWN guilt - for HE started the boat trade up again - the lost lives of the drowned are all on HIS head!

    IF he thinks he has the people's "Confidence - then how come he's too scared to face the people. We're already waited )in faith) for the scandalously long eight months off date Gillard (his Deputy) PROMISED. And now he makes us wait longer?

    Showing his total disdain for any of us- or what WE think.

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