AVE avecho biotechnology limited

salmon fishing, page-3

  1. 379 Posts.
    Thanks, hottod, both for the thought & the huge, unmatched range of data & analysis you bring here. Your postulate fits neatly what seems to be POH's new (perhaps I should latest) broader range approach.

    The flaw that continues to stick with me is the postponement in taking Oxcycodone further.
    - a main plank has always been that a successful Phase 2 would lead to a lucrative licensing deal
    - POH, particularly with an expanded trial programme, will need funding. The chances of further capital fund raising are slight without demonstrable success. mak has just posted a caution re expecting significant revenue from other streams in the business.
    - until very recently (eg. May Newsletter) Oxyc. was go, go for the next stage assuming successful Stage 1.

    Every incentive, therefore, to bash on with Oxcy asap. Equally, if you're courting an approach by all means tailor your offering to a hoped for suitor, but your hand is immensely strengthened if you are demonstrating you have your own winner and your wider offering really does work.

    So why has Oxyc. progress been postponed to a fairly hazy future date? Why could it not be progressed in parallel to the deliberations of the wise men that has suddenly appeared?

    The inevitable worry is that some further snag has arisen.

    Time - now apparently stretching well into the future - will no doubt tell.
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