AVE 0.00% 0.3¢ avecho biotechnology limited

salmon fishing, page-24

  1. 118 Posts.

    This is from the May newsletter:

    "In the second half of this year we will commence a Phase 2/3 study on oxycodone, an important milestone for the Company.
    Adding an accelerated Phase 2 trial will not only increase the amount of data points available but enable the Company to do a smaller and cheaper Phase 3 than initially planned.
    Based on significant global interest in our opioid program, a Phase 2 trial will demonstrate therapeutic efficacy of our patch systems much earlier and provide us with greater commercial flexibility should we decide to license one of our portfolio products at that stage."

    Is it safe to assume that the company knew how much behind the scenes work was involved when they made the above statement just two months ago?

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