ATH alterity therapeutics limited

the new hire, page-3

  1. 5,968 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 160
    POS if you take a look at the Prana directors you will see they are mainly financial and business background. With heavyweights like Lawrence Gozlan, the founder and CEO of Scientia Capital, another is the principal of an investment bank. Another was was the founding Executive Chairman and Managing Director of Synermedica, one of Australia’s leading independent consultant research organizations. The rest are financial heavyweights also. Smith will be a great addition.

    I don't care to spend time trying to evaluate which posters on another board liked what on a particular day. What I am interested in is that he entered that company when they had nothing and faced a long complex development path to get that drug to market.

    He left that company with an FDA approved drug just starting to build market share. AND he has a phase 3 pivotal in an oncology indication running.

    Facts are he is one of the few CEOs in Australia to steer a drug to FDA approval and market launch.

    His job at Prana will be a hell of a lot simpler and also more exciting considering the huge numbers involved in the virtually unserved DM neurodegeneration drug market.

    Right now it is still up to the scientists to get a result on one or both of the current trials and move other drugs in the pipeline to the clinic . I feel very comfortable having Dr Peter Smith on board.

    [The NASDAQ listing and splitting of the company into two divisions did not even come into my thinking in these posts]

    Is that right, need PBT2 but not quite symptomatic yet.

    [Don't let him make any decisions, or any conference calls...
    Or any NASDAQ listings...]

    [I was gutted.. Do you think he can do as much damage here...] A drug approved by the FDA and marketed and a well run phase 3 progressing in another indication, bring on some damage like that.

    You could not have done a better job of trashing the company and the announcement on Friday.US investors read this site. I don't know how you expect drug discovery to go smooth. Prana made mistakes, everybody makes mistakes. We have just seen JNJ, PFE, LLY and a few other big pharmas make some whoppers. Precious few make it to market. Smith did make it.
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