be on alert!!!, page-27

  1. 2,154 Posts.
    yes the world is corrupt but the world is not as manipulative as the Yanks, although, they have their brains in the right place by blowing up innocents we have no account for..Saddam has to go, as Iraq needs democracy to move forward, not for your stock market and pension fund, losses losers..
    You people are hellbent in believing that Saddam butches his own, that is an outright propagandist lie! Kurds were caught in the cross fire between an Iraqi and Iran battle, the Kurds were killed by Iranian chemical weapons during the cross fire...
    Your ilk is corrupt for not abling to face the truth, the only way we are able to stay free is by strong global economical policies, so the idea is, murder innocents unecessarily in order for economic impetus before a mass debt implosion take place ??
    how stupid are these people ? where are the strong economic reforms - I don't see any, why aren't there enough Yankee repatriations to their ill foreign policy? What is wrong with you aliens, and you label us as morally corrupt for voicing views for peace ?
    What sort of alien are you! ..the market must have walloped you guys black and blue from head to toe...

    Take on that rogue state China, that can cause real damage in conjunction global economic impetus that we crave for, since we are talking Yankee Doodle tough.. but naah,were too scared, are we ..
    Bush calls saddam, a tyrant an autocrat a person of no democracy beliefs, well wtf is Bush ?- the man had no credibility since he was sworn in office, the Europeans love america but don't trust Bush, either do Australians, either do South Americans, either do Asians, either do Africans and either do I..The man just continuously spews bile..
    The doofus's never cease to amaze me, Iraq is rich in minerals and we are going to cause environmental carnage, along with innocents unecessary dying, for what ? ..cos Bush doesn't like his own reflection in the mirror when he sees Saddam ?
    The war is coming, yes - but who is instigating it , in the name of freedom ? what is wrong with the world we live in now.. i don't feel any threats of slavery, do you, ya secluded deluded fools ?
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