transport paint in the boot of car, page-2

  1. 60,816 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    Remands me of a time years ago on a prawn trawler, we had stopped the main engines for an oil change and I told one of my deck hands to paint a spot that had been welded which he was suppose to have done earlier.

    He went off into the store room having a bit of a hiffy fit and while getting the paint down managed to spill a heap over himself.

    I'll point out it was an oil based paint and in the Gulf of Carpentaria being so hot we wore little than just jocks and some times a tee shirt.

    Anyway I shook my head and left him to it, a little while latter not seeing him on deck I went inside fuming that he had gone inside bathroom covered in paint to clean himself up.

    This turned to concern when I could not find him, went back on deck to look for him and found in over the side in the water hang on to the net looking like he was in a lot of pain.

    Seems he poured thinners over himself to clean the paint off and it got all over his genitals, oh I almost felt sorry for him.
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