arrogant kevin rudd hides nbn truth

  1. 46,458 Posts.
    Turnbull chalenged albo on this the other night.
    Labor sitting on report until after the election.

    not long now

    KEVIN Rudd claims there is a conspiracy surrounding the NBN. He may be right. But it is not a conspiracy in which Rupert Murdoch seeks to bring down the Labor government to sabotage the NBN. It is a conspiracy to hide from the voters, until after the election, just how bad are the finances of the NBN. And the dire straits that the NBN is in can be sheeted back to the deals done by one man: the Prime Minister.
    Rudd sketched out his grand vision for a Fibre To The Home network on April 7, 2009. The project was launched with a 1000-word press statement.
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