abbotts turning point of the election., page-29

  1. 213 Posts.

    You said -

    50,000 Asylum seekers costing us how many billions since LR changed the rules

    I respond -

    "it is nothing compared with UK or other countries. And you'd better get used to all these refugees as wars rage, sanctions are brought upon countries (hate this),
    and the rush to survive when climate change gets worse"

    You said -
    "People die in botched "pink bates" scheme despite warnings from his own minister"

    I respond "yes it was sad that a few frantic guys with not much experience, rushing to make a buck, ballsed up their job. Pink Batts was a very good move. There are heaps of guys in the building industry who would think you were a ning nong to saying this. Sure there are rorters out there.
    Most people are wise enough to turn off the electricity off at the main before going up in to roof spaces".

    You said -

    "Debt ceiling to be breached to the tune of 340 billion"

    I respond -

    " well it is better than having people like you or similar lose their jobs, and have to breach their own debt ceiling.
    It is quite okay to have some debt. It exercises both of the money levels. Money needs to flow a bit, to earn more. Get too anal about it, you get in to trouble. Perhaps a suppository of wisdom. ha! ha!"

    You said -

    Oh I could go on

    I respond -
    "Well why dont you?"

    You said -

    You should try looking at KR and not Abbott - oh and don't forget we are having a POSITIVE campaign according to KR -

    I respond -

    "Bollocks Abbott started dirty, very dirty. So now we are all out to get him. Don't you love the lampooning. The Labor side is much more fun and clever too".

    You said -

    Your beloved party are not only a joke but dangerous.

    I respond -

    "Excuse me have a look at yourself in the mirror. I think you will find there are oodles of Abbott photos with his mouth open ready to feed, and grinning in very evil and sinister ways He gives it away. He is really icky this guy. Believe you me, he has messed up with your heads."

    Over to you...
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