GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

spine-chilling interview; get ready get set

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    August 22, 2013

    King World News

    Eric King: “Ron, last week KWN had the interview with you, ‘Gold & Silver To Skyrocket As Stocks Begin Historic Collapse.’ Since that piece was published we have seen the Dow plunge 500 points, and during that turmoil gold has already risen $55, while silver surged roughly $1.70. It appears that we have begun to see this move that you predicted was going to take place.”

    Rosen: “This decline has just begun in the Dow, and this will be second only to the major collapse in the Dow between 1929 and 1932. That was an 89% collapse that we saw in the early 1930s. This will be at least a 66% decline, and as I said, second only to the collapse that led to the Great Depression.

    During this decline I expect gold and silver to skyrocket....

    “This is what we saw during the 1966 to 1974 bear market in stocks. During that collapse, gold surged 500%, and silver rose 500% as well. Throughout the entire bear market in stocks from 1966 to 1982, gold surged 25-fold, and silver 38-fold (by 1980).

    During long-term periods when the stock market declines, gold and silver have major moves to the upside, and this is what is starting to take place right now. But I don’t think anybody expects a decline as bad as the one that is about to occur in the Dow. A 66% decline is like wiping out decades of gains.

    We are talking about something that will wipe out 2/3 of a lifetime of investor wealth in the stock market. We are talking here about wiping out 66% of the gains made in stocks since the Federal Reserve was created 100 years ago. This will be absolutely horrendous, and completely devastating to the average investor.

    When we look at the gold market, gold is only a few hundred dollars above the 1980 peak of $850. It hasn’t really had its big move yet. That is still to come. We are in the extreme early stages in the bull market in gold, even though this has been going on now for over a decade.

    The 2-year brutal bear market in gold bottomed just weeks ago at $1,179.50. Go back and figure out what the national debt was in 1980 when gold was $850 -- it’s now $17 trillion. So we haven’t seen anything yet compared to the kind of moves we are going to see in gold during this coming stock market collapse.”

    Rosen had this to say regarding silver: “Silver hasn’t even taken out its high of $50 from 1980. Silver needs to rise nearly $30 from current levels just to take out that 1980 high. But silver will outperform gold in every conceivable way in the future. I expect for silver to hit roughly $150 in the next 18 months, and that’s not even half way to where I expect the ultimate price of silver will rise.”

    Rosen also commented on the mining shares: “KWN readers have to understand that when Roosevelt became President in the early 1930s, gold mining shares had a tremendous move higher. Today, mining shares are the greatest value available anywhere, and in any market. We are going to see the cost of mining gold declining going forward, and at the same time we are going to see the prices of gold and silver skyrocketing. This will provide the basis for one of the greatest upside moves in the history of markets.”

    Rosen also added: “Money does not come out of thin air. Money is not paper. Money is the result of hard work, and as Churchill said, ‘Blood, sweat and tears.’ The only money in the world that ever was, is now, and ever will be, is gold. This will be the case until the human race learns to be honest.”

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