libs may lose its safest seat - indi, page-26

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Back in those long ago days of 2007, before the lost 6 years of the labor/unon-boss/green socialist alliance incompetence and looting, the corrupt leftist media was able to convince much of the voting public that after so many years of professional and competent liberal government under John Howard, that it no longer mattered which party was in power as the business of government was now so easy that it was almost on automatic pilot...

    The corrupt leftist media repeated again and again that it was time to change for the sake of change and the the liberal government had been in power for too long and after all Rudd had such a nice smile on the TV morning shows and talked very well...

    Now after 6 years of disaster and a catastrophic trail of death and destruction left from the lost 6 years of Rudd/Gillard/Rudd most thinking voters now know that good government is not easy and depends on professional and competent people, rather than a collection of freshly laundered union-thugs, unstable green fringe-lunatics, and opportunistic scoundrels...

    Most thinking Australians realize the long and difficult job Tony Abbott's incoming government will have to reverse and repair the damage that the lost 6 years of Rudd/Gillard/Rudd has inflicted on Australia...

    And that is why Tony Abbott will probably win this coming election with a landslide majority as the Australian people vent their white-hot fury at the incompetence, looting and plunder of the union-boss controlled labor party...

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