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Ann: WAV/RULE: BRL: BRL - Application for Waiver

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    • Summary: WAV/RULE: BRL: BRL - Application for Waiver and Ruling
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    02/09/2013 16:04
    REL: 1604 HRS Bathurst Resources (New Zealand) Limited
    WAV/RULE: BRL: BRL - Application for Waiver and Ruling
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Bathurst Resources (New Zealand) Limited ("BRL")
    Application for a ruling under NZSX Listing Rule 7.5
    Application for a waiver from NZSX Listing Rule 9.2.1
    30 August 2013
    1. Bathurst Resources (New Zealand) Limited ("BRL") is primary listed on both
    the Australian Securities Exchange and NZX.
    2. BRL intends to undertake a placement of BRL ordinary shares to selected
    New Zealand, Australian and certain other offshore investors (both existing
    shareholders and others) in accordance with Rule 7.3.5 ("Placement").
    3. Forsyth Barr Group Limited and the Royal Bank of Canada ("Lead Managers")
    will be appointed lead managers for the Placement on terms agreed with BRL
    ("Lead Managers' Appointment").  As Lead Managers they will commit to
    procuring payment to BRL of the moneys due from subscribers in the Placement
    and, on a default by a subscriber, will be allotted the BRL ordinary shares
    subscribed for by that defaulting subscriber.
    4. BRL is also considering the possibility of undertaking a share purchase
    plan ("Proposed SPP") in accordance with Rule 7.3.4(c) following completion
    of the Placement.  BRL is prudently proceeding on the basis, for these
    decisions, that the Proposed SPP will proceed (although these decisions are
    not altered if it does not), and the Placement, Proposed SPP (if it proceeds)
    and Lead Managers' Appointment are considered to be a related series of
    transactions for the purposes of the Rules.
    5. BRL has applied to NZX Regulation ("NZXR") for a ruling and a waiver from
    the NZSX Listing Rules ("Rules") in relation to the Placement, Proposed SPP
    and Lead Managers' Appointment.
    Application - Rule 7.5
    6. Rule 7.5 requires shareholder approval for the precise terms and
    conditions of an issue where there is a significant likelihood of the issue
    resulting in any person or group of Associated Persons who hold at least 1%
    of the Issuer prior to the issue materially increasing their ability to
    exercise effective control of the Issuer.
    7. Allotments made pursuant to the Placement are subject to the Takeovers
    Code ("Code") which regulates the manner in which a shareholder may increase
    voting control above 20%.
    8. BRL has applied for a ruling that Rule 7.5 does not apply to the Placement
    or to any allotment to the Lead Managers pursuant to the Lead Managers'
    Appointment. In support of its application BRL has submitted as follows:
    (a) NZXR has recently indicated that it considers the 25% threshold to be a
    key control threshold in that it guarantees the holder the ability to
    exercise negative control by "blocking" a special resolution (refer NZXR
    decision 4 July 2013 in relation to Vital Healthcare Property Trust).  In
    addition NZXR has previously ruled that a holding of 20% was a "commonly
    understood threshold at which a person may be regarded as having control"
    (refer NZXR decision of 23 October 2012 in relation to the Fonterra
    Shareholders' Fund). These statements are consistent with the thresholds
    prescribed by the Code.
    (b) The protection offered by the Code is proposed to be recognised in the
    Rules, with the current exposure draft containing proposed amendments to the
    Rules ("Proposed Amendments") which include altering Rule 7.5 so that it does
    not apply to Code Companies.  The Proposed Amendments recognize that the Code
    regulates changes in control of Code Companies rendering Rule 7.5
    superfluous; and
    (c) If the ruling is not granted, there would be increased costs and delay
    for BRL in order to complete the Placement, including the costs and delay
    associated with convening a shareholder meeting and obtaining an appraisal
    report.  Such costs and delay are unnecessarily prohibitive where there is
    already the ability for existing shareholders to increase their holding to
    the threshold permitted by the Code through alternative mechanisms (i.e. by
    acquiring shares on market).
    Rule 7.5
    9. Rule 7.5 provides as folllows:
    "Issues and Buybacks of Securities Affecting Control
     7.5.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of Rules 7.3 and 7.6, no issue,
    acquisition, or redemption of Securities shall be made by an Issuer if:
     (a) there is significant likelihood that the issue, acquisition, or
    redemption will result in any person or group of Associated Persons
    materially increasing their ability to exercise, or direct the exercise of
    (either then or at any future time) effective control of that Issuer; and
     (b) that person or group of Associated Persons is entitled before the issue,
    acquisition, or redemption to exercise, or direct the exercise of, not less
    than 1% of the total Votes attaching to Securities of the Issuer;
    unless the precise terms and conditions of the issue, acquisition or
    redemption have been approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the Issuer."
    10. On the basis that the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate
    in all material respects, NZXR rules that any BRL shareholder who together
    with its Associated Persons (who are "associates" for the purposes of the
    Code) following the Placement holds no more than 20% of the ordinary shares
    in BRL is not to be regarded as "materially increasing their ability to
    exercise, or direct the exercise of (either then or at any future time)
    effective control" for the purposes of Rule 7.5.
    11. In coming to the decision to provide the ruling set out in paragraph 10,
    NZXR has considered that:
    (a) a 20% ownership holding is a commonly understood threshold in relation to
    control as is recognised by the Takeovers Code;
    (b) the Takeovers Code will regulate any increases in control in these
    circumstances;; and
    (c) the decision is consistent with the precedent cited in paragraph 8(a)
    Application Rule 9.2.1
    12. Rule 9.2.1 requires an Issuer to seek shareholder approval by ordinary
    resolution where a Related Party is a direct or indirect party to a Material
    Transaction or at least one of a related series of transactions of which the
    Material Transaction forms part.
    13. The Placement, Lead Manager's Appointment and Proposed SPP are a "related
    series of transactions" for the purposes of Rule 9.2.1.
    14. BRL is seeking to raise an amount in excess of $16.7 million under the
    Placement.  BRL's market capitalisation at close of trading on 16 July 2013
    was approximately $146,840,000
    15. Rule 9.2.3(b) provides that a person who holds a Relevant Interest in
    more than 10% of an Issuer's securities is a Related Party for the purposes
    of the Rules. BRL intends to allow such persons to participate in the
    Placement and Proposed SPP.
    16. Rule 9.2.2(b) provides that a "Material Transaction" is one in which an
    Issuer issues Securities having a value of more than 10% of the Issuer's
    Average Market Capitalisation. Rule 9.2.2(c) provides that a "Material
    Transaction" is one in which an Issuer receives money that is more than 10%
    of the Issuer's Average Market Capitalisation. As noted in paragraph 14
    above, Securities having a market value in excess of 10% of BRL's Average
    Market Capitalisation are expected to be issued under the Placement and to
    raise in excess of $16.7 million in cash being an amount of money in excess
    of 10% of BRL's Average Market Capitalisation.
    17. Rule 9.2.2(e) provides that a Material Transaction is one in which an
    Issuer obtains services in respect of which the actual gross cost to an
    Issuer in any financial year is likely to exceed 1% of the Issuer's Average
    Market Capitalisation. BRL intends to pay the Lead Managers (or related
    parties) lead manager and arranger fees in excess of 1% of the Average Market
    Capitalisation of BRL.
    18. Rule 9.2.4(c) exempts issues of Securities by an Issuer under Rule
    7.3.4(c). This exemption will apply to the Proposed SPP.
    19. BRL has requested a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 to allow BRL to conduct the
    Placement, and enter into the Lead Managers' Appointment, so as to allow
    persons who hold 10% or more of BRL's Securities and their Associated Persons
    (each such person or Associated Person being a "Substantial Holder") to
    participate in the Placement.  No Substantial Holder will be a BRL Director
    or an Associated Person of a BRL Director, or otherwise be a Related Party of
    BRL for the purposes of the Rules.
    20. In support of its application, BRL has submitted as follows:
    (a) The policy of Rule 9.2.1 is to regulate transactions whereby a Related
    Party to a Material Transaction may gain favourable consideration (or there
    may be a perception that a person may gain favourable consideration) due to
    its relationship with the Issuer.  This is not the position in relation to
    the Placement because all investors who are invited by BRL to participate in
    the Placement will be invited to do so on the same terms and conditions, and
    for the same consideration per share, as any other investor who participates
    in the Placement.
    (b) The terms of the Lead Managers' Appointment between BRL and the Lead
    Managers' will be negotiated on an arms' length and commercial basis.  No
    Substantial Holder will have any involvement in the negotiation of the terms
    of the Lead Managers' Appointment.
    (c) Given that the policy underlying Rule 9.2 is to safeguard non-associated
    shareholders, there is no value in requiring shareholder approval for the
    Placement, Proposed SPP and/or Lead Managers' Appointment given that the
    status of a Substantial Holder as a Related Party will have no bearing on the
    terms or quantum of their participation in the Placement or Proposed SPP.
    (d) If the waiver is not granted, there would be increased costs and delay
    for BRL in order to complete the Placement, including the costs and delay
    associated with convening a shareholder meeting and obtaining an appraisal
    report.  Such costs and delay are unnecessarily prohibitive where the policy
    behind Rule 9.2.1 is not undermined.
    (e) NZX Regulation has previously granted analogous waivers in respect of
    Rule 9.2.1 to EBOS Group Limited (29 May 2013) and Argosy Property Limited (1
    July 2013).
    Rules 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and 9.2.3
    21. The relevant Rules provide as follows:
    "9.2.1 An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related
    Party is, or is likely to become:
    (a) a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part; or
    unless that Material Transaction is approve by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    "9.2.2 For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1 "Material Transaction" means a
    transaction or a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
    (b) issues its own Securities or acquires its own Equity Securities having a
    market value in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of that
    Issuer, save in the case of an issue pursuant to Rule 7.3.5 where only the
    market value of those Securities being issued to the Related Party or to any
    Employees (as defined in Rule 7.3.6) of the Issuer are to be taken into
    account; or
    (c) borrows, lends, pays or received, money, or incurs an obligation, of an
    amount in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer;
    (e) provides or obtains any services (including without limitation obtaining
    underwriting of Securities or services as an employee) in respect of which
    the actual gross cost to the Issuer in any financial year (ignoring any
    returns or benefits in connection with such services) is likely to exceed an
    amount equal to 1% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer; or"
    "9.2.3 For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Related Party" means a person who is
    at the time of a Material Transaction, or was at any time within six months
    before a Material Transaction:
    (b) the holder of a Relevant Interest in 10% or more of a Class of Equity
    Securities of the Issuer carrying Votes; or"
    "9.2.4 Rule 9.2.1 shall not apply to:
    (c) the issue of Equity Securities by an Issuer under Rule 7.3.4(c) or Rule
    22. On the basis that the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate
    in all material respects, NZXR grants BRL a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 so that
    BRL is not required to seek shareholder approval for the Placement and Lead
    Managers' Appointment to the extent that a Substantial Holder participates in
    the Placement, on the following conditions:
    (a) each of the Directors of BRL certify to NZXR that:
     i. he is not Interested (as that term is defined in Rule 3.4.3) in the
    Placement; and
     ii. in his opinion the entry into the Placement is fair and reasonable to
    all shareholders of BRL and is in the best interests of BRL;
     iii. none of the Substantial Holders have been involved with the formulation
    by BRL of the Placement, Proposed SPP and Lead Managers' Appointment;
    (b) the terms and conditions on which a Substantial Holder participates in
    the Placement and Proposed SPP are identical to those offered to others who
    participate in the Placement and Proposed SPP, respectively;
    (c) none of the Substantial Holders have influenced the decision of the
    Directors of BRL to appoint the Lead Managers on the terms proposed;
    (d) the Substantial Holders will only be a Related Party for the purposes of
    the Rules by virtue of Rule 9.2.3(b) or by being an Associated Persons of a
    person referred to in Rule 9.2.3(b), in particular no Substantial Holder will
    be a BRL Director or an Associated Person of a BRL Director; and
    (e) this waiver and its conditions and effects are disclosed in BRL's half
    year and annual reports for the year in which the Placement occurs.
    23. In coming to the decision to grant BRL a waiver from Rule 9.2.1,
    contained in paragraph 22 above, NZXR has considered the following matters:
    (a) The purpose of the prohibition in Rule 9.2.1 is to ensure that undue
    influence is not exercised by a Related Party to cause a transfer of value to
    a Related Party or to cause entry into transactions on terms that are
    unfairly favourable to that Related Party without scrutiny. The granting of
    the waiver in paragraph 22 will not offend the policy behind Rule 9.2.1;
    (b) The Substantial Holders have not participated in the formulation of the
    proposal to undertake the Placement, Proposed SPP and Lead Managers'
    (c) In this instance it is unlikely that the Substantial Holders could have
    influenced BRL's decision to undertake the Placement, Proposed SPP and Lead
    Managers' Appointment. NZXR has no reason not to accept that:
          i. The terms and conditions on which Securities are to be offered to
    Substantial Holders under the Placement are identical to those offered to
    others participating in the Placement and have been set at arms' length; and
          ii.  The BRL Board's decision to undertake the Placement and Proposed
    SPP and appoint the Lead Managers has not been influenced by any Substantial
    Holder as a Related Party;
    (d) There is precedent for the decisions including waivers granted to:
         i. Argosy Limited - 1 July 2013
        ii. Ebos Group Limited - 29 May 2013; and
        iii. Pyne Gould Corporation Limited - 26 July 2011.
    24. BRL has requested that its application and this decision be kept
    confidential pending finalisation of the Placement and the Lead Managers'
    Appointment and the subsequent announcement to the market.
    25. In accordance with Footnote 1 to Rule 1.1.12, NZXR grants BRL's request.
    End CA:00240552 For:BRL    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2013-09-02 16:04:30
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