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tullow farms into namibia, page-2

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    ASX Companies Announcement Office
    6 September 2013
    ? Tullow Oil to become partner and operator after farmin to Pancontinental’s EL 0037
    ? Tullow Oil is one of the most successful oil and gas explorers in Africa and the
    Atlantic Margins, opening up four new oil basins since 2006 in Uganda, Ghana,
    Kenya and French Guiana
    ? Tullow Oil assigned a 65% operated interest, Pancontinental retains 30% free-carried
    ? Farmin programme includes Tullow Oil funding extensive 3D and 2D seismic and,
    subject to identifying a drillable prospect, drilling an exploration well to acquire and
    maintain a 65% interest
    ? 3D seismic survey expected to commence in 2014
    ? Pancontinental estimates farmin expenditure of potentially up to US$130 million
    (100% basis) for the full work programme
    Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL (“Pancontinental”) is very pleased to announce a farmout
    agreement (the “Farmout Agreement”) with Tullow Kudu Limited (“Tullow”), a wholly
    owned subsidiary of Tullow Oil plc, regarding licence EL 0037 offshore Namibia (see
    Figure 1 and Appendix 1).
    Subject to certain conditions, including Ministerial approval, which Pancontinental and
    Tullow anticipate to be satisfied, Tullow will be assigned a 65% interest in EL 0037 and
    Pancontinental will retain a free-carried 30% interest out of its current 95% interest.
    Pursuant to the Farmout Agreement Tullow will become operator and earn and maintain
    its 65% by fully carrying Pancontinental through extensive programmes of 2D seismic and
    3D seismic and, subject to identifying a drillable prospect, fully carry Pancontinental
    through an exploration well. Pancontinental estimates that Tullow’s total farmin
    expenditure may be in the range of US$110 million to US$130 million (100% basis).
    Paragon Oil & Gas (Pty) Ltd’s 5% free-carried interest will be included in the Tullow
    farmin expenditure.
    The Farmout Agreement provides for Tullow-
    ? Taking over as Operator of Licence EL 0037 from Pancontinental;
    ? Funding 100% of the costs of a 3D seismic survey of not less than 3,000 km2
    commencing before 31 December 2014;
    ? Funding 100% of the costs of a 2D seismic survey of not less than 1,000 km (either
    coincident or possibly later than the 3D seismic survey);
    ACN 003 029 543 ASX : PCL
    Ground Floor P O Box 8260 Tel: (61 8) 9227 3220
    288 Stirling Street, Perth Perth Business Centre Fax: (61 8) 9227 3211
    Western Australia 6000 Western Australia 6849 Email: [email protected]
    Web: www.pancon.com.au
    ? Subject to identifying a drillable prospect, fully funding 100% of the costs of one
    exploration well (with no expenditure ‘cap’) to not less than 3,500 metres below the sea
    surface (see Tullow’s Rights and Obligations);
    ? Reimbursing Pancontinental for 65% of past expenditures incurred;
    ? Purchasing, interpreting and mapping existing seismic data; and
    ? Paying 100% of any other costs and expenses during the farmin period.
    The farmin programme is not subject to expenditure “caps”.
    Tullow’s Rights and Obligations
    Under the terms of the Farmout Agreement, Tullow will pay 65% of back costs and 100%
    of forward costs during the farmin period and complete the 2D and 3D seismic surveys
    outlined above. Should the 2D and 3D seismic not deliver a suitable drilling target, Tullow
    shall be entitled to withdraw from its commitment to drill the well outlined above by giving
    written notice to Pancontinental not later than 16 months after the date of the completion
    of the acquisition of the 3D seismic or 13 months prior to the expiry of the First Renewal
    Exploration Period whichever is the earlier. Commencement of the acquisition phase of
    the 3D seismic is required by 31 December 2014, and may possibly occur as soon as
    early-2014 depending on seismic vessel availability and other factors. Should Tullow
    withdraw after fulfilling its 2D and 3D seismic commitments it must re-assign its 65%
    interest back to Pancontinental, at no cost to Pancontinental.
    Barry Rushworth, CEO and Executive Director of Pancontinental commented-
    “We are very pleased to have a major second partnership with an operator of such high
    calibre as Tullow Oil. Tullow has been spectacularly successful in finding commercial oil in
    We identified EL 0037 as one of the most prospective areas offshore Namibia and we are
    now extremely pleased that Tullow supports our view.
    Following the very important Wingat-1 oil recovery by HRT just to the south of EL 0037
    earlier in 2013, it is now up to explorers to find commercial oil reservoirs and traps in the
    central Walvis Basin. This is what Tullow and Pancontinental are undertaking in EL 0037.
    We have interpreted potential reservoirs and traps in a number of large channel and
    turbidite “leads” at around the same stratigraphic level as the Wingat oil. These leads will
    now be the focus of 3D seismic and will be scrutinised as potential drilling targets.
    This EL 0037 farmout agreement brings a highly successful operator for exploration and
    drilling, and an extensive high-tech 3D seismic programme. In addition it covers the freecarried
    5% interest held by Paragon, the third partner in the licence.
    While Tullow has a commitment to commence the extensive 3D seismic programme
    before 31 December 2014 it is expected that the 3D acquisition will commence as soon as
    the required EIA’s are approved and a selected seismic contractor can commence
    The EL 0037 area is very large, for example roughly one quarter of the size of Tasmania,
    7 times the size of the ACT, and about 85% the size of Wales, and with multiple
    exploration opportunities.
    We believe that Pancontinental, as well as our partners Tullow and Paragon, are
    exceptionally well positioned to take advantage of the developing oil story now just
    beginning to be established offshore Namibia”.
    Figure 1- Licence areas offshore Namibia
    The Namibia EL 0037 consortium will consist of -
    Tullow Kudu Limited 1 (Operator) 65%
    Pancontinental Namibia (Pty) Ltd 2 30%
    Paragon Oil & Gas (Pty) Ltd 3 5%
    1 Tullow Kudu Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tullow Oil plc
    2 Pancontinental Namibia (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL
    3 Paragon Oil & Gas (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Paragon Investment Holding’s (Pty) Ltd
    About Tullow
    Tullow is a highly successful oil explorer that has opened four new oil basins in Africa and
    South America in the last seven years.
    Founded in 1985, Tullow is now Africa's leading independent oil company, and one of the
    largest independent oil and gas companies in Europe.
    Amongst Tullow’s key achievements is the 2007 discovery and subsequent development
    of the Jubilee Oil Field offshore Ghana.
    In the East African Rift Basins, Tullow’s successes include major oil discoveries in Uganda
    and recent significant oil discoveries in the South Lokichar Basin in Kenya. To date, in
    Uganda, Tullow estimates gross recoverable resources of 1.7 billion barrels of oil.
    Tullow farmed-in to Pancontinental’s interest in licence L8 offshore Kenya in 2011 and
    participated in the Mbawa 1 gas discovery in 2012. The joint venture continues to explore
    for oil in the L8 area.
    Tullow is developing the Kudu Gas Field offshore southern Namibia and farmed-in to
    Pancontinental’s EL 0037 licence in Namibia in September 2013.
    About Pancontinental
    Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL is an independent oil and gas exploration company listed on
    the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: PCL).
    Pancontinental’s focus is on exploring for oil in new frontiers in Africa and surrounding
    regions and it currently holds interests in four licences over 20,000 square kilometres in
    East Africa offshore Kenya, and the EL 0037 licence over 17,000 square kilometres
    offshore Namibia.
    Pancontinental is one of the few junior companies remaining amongst an increasing
    number of much larger companies offshore East Africa and Namibia.
    About Paragon
    Paragon Holdings is a successful diversified investment and development company based
    in Windhoek, Namibia. Paragon’s activities range from property development to retail and
    publishing, mining and oil investments.
    Pancontinental’s website is www.pancon.com.au/
    Yours sincerely for and on behalf of
    Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL
    Barry Rushworth, CEO and Director
    The summary report on the oil and gas projects is based on information compiled by Mr R B Rushworth, BSc,
    MAAPG, MPESGB, MPESA, Chief Executive Officer of Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL. Mr Rushworth has the
    relevant degree in geology and has been practising petroleum geology for more than 30 years.
    Mr Rushworth is a Director of Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL and has consented in writing to the inclusion of the
    information stated in the form and context in which it appears.
    Appendix 1
    Offshore Namibia - Licence EL 0037
    Licence EL 0037 covers an extensive 17,295 square kilometres (4.2 million acres) in the
    Walvis Basin offshore northern Namibia. Before farmout to Tullow the licence was held by
    Pancontinental (95%) and Paragon Investment Holdings Ltd (“Paragon”) (5%).
    In July 2012 Pancontinental increased its interest from 85% to 95% by purchasing a 10%
    interest from Paragon.
    On 20 May 2013 it was announced that the Wingat-1 well adjacent to EL 0037 proved
    well-developed mature marine source rocks and a recovery of 1.8 litres of light oil from
    poorly-developed reservoir rocks. For the first time, the reported oil recovery and source
    rocks verified a working oil system in the Walvis Basin.
    On 24 May 2013 Pancontinental announced that consulting firm DeGolyer and
    MacNaughton (“D&M”) estimated that 11 leads in the EL 0037 area had potential for a
    total mean prospective resource of 8.7 billion barrels of oil, (not adjusted for geologic or
    economic risk). The reader is referred to Pancontinental’s ASX announcement of 24 May
    2013 and Independent Resource Estimate Overview below for further details.
    On 5 September 2013 Pancontinental announced a farmout to Tullow Oil plc.
    EL 0037 contains shelf, slope and basin floor sediments of Early Cretaceous to Tertiary
    age in the Basin Floor and Eastern Flank of in an “Inner Graben” off the Namibian coast.
    These are underlain by an older rift sequence.
    Offshore Namibia is poorly explored for oil and is part of the African tectonic conjugate of
    offshore Brazil where numerous large oil discoveries have been made.
    Pancontinental has mapped an “Oil Mature Fairway” through EL 0037 and the Wingat
    area. Critically, using existing seismic data, good reservoir rocks are interpreted in
    channels and turbidites within and close to the Oil Mature Fairway in EL 0037 and some of
    these will be covered by the new 3D seismic survey.
    Figure 1- Schematic of the Oil Mature Fairway and Cross Section offshore Namibia
    The reservoirs interpreted by Tullow and Pancontinental in EL 0037, while they are
    interpreted to be closely associated with the interpreted source rocks, are also interpreted
    to be different and better developed than those drilled by HRT.
    The Oil Mature Fairway and Inner Graben are asymmetric, with considerably larger “fetch”
    for oil generation and migration on the Eastern side of the Graben, covered by EL 0037.
    Crucially, the Oil Mature Fairway lies to the Eastern side of the axis of the Basin Floor and
    within the Eastern part of the Basin Floor and the Eastern Slope area (See Figure 1
    above). Oil migration is therefore interpreted to be predominantly to the East.
    Pancontinental therefore believes that the Eastern Flank is the geological environment
    that is most likely to contain large volumes of trapped oil, and this is where EL 0037 is
    Offshore Namibia - Regional Activity
    Pancontinental’s EL 0037 licence area and HRT’s PEL 23 area are contiguous over the
    “Inner Graben” that is interpreted by Pancontinental to be a main regional oil generating
    zone and one of the most critical factors to finding commercial oil offshore Namibia.
    An announcement by HRT Participações em Petróleo S.A (“HRT”) on 20 May 2013
    concerning the Wingat-1 well in PEL 23 said-
    ? 4 samples of 450cc each of Light Oil (38 to 42 API) recovered from several thinbedded
    sandy reservoirs in Wingat 1, with minimal contamination
    ? Two well-developed source rocks, rich in organic carbon, have been penetrated and
    both are within the oil-generating window
    ? The reservoirs are oil saturated, with no water-bearing zones in the drilled section
    ? The well, in 1,050m of water, commenced encountering increasing concentrations of
    hydrocarbon shows below 1,500m and was completed at 5,000m
    Repsol has announced that it plans to drill the Welwitschia -1 well to the Northeast of EL
    0037 in February 2014
    Independent Resource Estimate Overview
    DeGolyer and MacNaughton (“D&M”) has prepared an assessment of licence area
    EL 0037 offshore Namibia in accordance with the Petroleum Resources Management
    System (PRMS) approved by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the World Petroleum
    Council, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the Society of Petroleum
    Evaluation Engineers.
    D&M’s resource estimates recognize large stratigraphic leads in potential clastic turbidite
    targets. These targets appear to be in the oil window. These potential accumulations are
    categorized as “leads” based on the available seismic and geologic data. The potential
    accumulations are not yet classified as “prospects” that are available for drilling.
    The summary potential volumetric findings of the report are reproduced in the Table 1
    below; the details of each lead are given in Table 2 below.
    D&M’s Mean Estimate for the total 11 Leads is 8.7 Billion Barrels of Gross Prospective
    (recoverable) Oil Resources.
    Table 1-Estimate of Gross Prospective Oil Resources
    Of Geological
    Success (Pg)
    Mean Estimate
    4,591,213 7,817,133 13,913,089 8,706,734 0.050 435,337
    1. Low, best, high, and mean estimates follow the PRMS guidelines for prospective resources.
    2. Low, best, high, and mean estimates in this table are P90, P50, P10, and mean respectively.
    3. Pg is defined as the probability of discovering reservoirs which flow petroleum at a measurable rate.
    4. Application of any geological and economic chance factor does not equate prospective resources to contingent
    resources or reserves.
    5. Recovery efficiency is applied to prospective resources in this table.
    6. There is no certainty that any portion of the prospective resources estimated herein will be discovered. If
    discovered, there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the prospective
    resources evaluated.
    7. Leads are features that are not sufficiently well defined to be drillable, and need further work and/or data. In
    general, Leads are significantly more risky than Prospects and therefore volumetrics estimates for Leads are only
    indicative of relative size.
    Table 2 –Details of leads assessed by DeGolyer & MacNaughton in Namibia EL 0037
    (Prospective Gross Ultimate Recovery, Million Barrels, Rounded to two decimal places)
    LEAD Potential Target P90 P50 P10 Mean
    A/B Barremian 100.75 471.46 1,767.86 782.83
    C Cretaceous Slope Channel 77.92 364.15 1,398.65 610.19
    D Cretaceous Basin Floor Fan 49.37 231.20 900.07 388.19
    E Cretaceous Basin Floor Fan 221.14 1,057.91 4,171.05 1,770.03
    F Barremian 36.40 167.86 653.54 280.45
    G Turonian Turbidite 8.87 38.36 146.14 63.78
    H Synrift Pinchout 5.63 26.07 99.83 43.07
    K Cretaceous Basin Floor Fan 22.68 102.99 408.14 174.24
    M Cretaceous Slope Channel 143.60 702.89 2,700.27 1,165.19
    N Santonian Channel 239.96 1,097.33 4,345.22 1,875.90
    O Cretaceous Channel 200.23 942.68 3,560.95 1,552.85
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