ECT 0.00% 0.2¢ environmental clean technologies limited.

september , page-56

  1. 4,008 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 776
    S, I do understand what you are saying, however, I really don't think time would allow you to be tooooo selective and let the oppies chase the heads. ESI is a high risk stock without strapping a timing bomb on the shares that is due to go off in Jan. Each to their own. Like Mr.Thomson stated to someone on here.....ESI as a long term investment (past Jan) for a lot of people including myself.... weather or not it is buy choice is another subject.... I honestly thought I would be in and out of ESI within 6-12 months, nope, instead I have more the quadrupled my holdings and am more that happy to hold for another 2 years, hence why you never buy shares with money you cant afford to lose. I would hate to HAVE to sell my ESI shares at these prices but some people may not have a choice.

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