indo jihad site-how to kill westerners

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    look under the heading "Taktik" translation:- "Tactics"

    then copy and paste into a web based translation site such as

    Translation of page 3 of Tactics section: -

    "The case 1: went from the office to the place makan (restaurant)

    The location of the Attack and Supporting Fire
    In rajah above, the target (3 white people) was going from the office to the place ate.
    They must pass jejantas to cross the road.
    Nearby jejantas was gotten the bus-stop.
    This bus-stop could be used by shooter and a person who acted as supporting fire (SF) as the place of observation and where being waiting for prey.
    It is best to shooter and supporting fire pretended did not know one same that other.
    The SF role not together shot the target but as help to shooter in case having the interference from the other person during the period of shooter would escape, like the security unit, the layman etc. him.
    Gotten by 3 attack points iaitu:-
    After the target passed the stop but not yet climb onto jejantas.
    During the period of proceeding above jejantas

    When passing the stop after descending from jejantas.
    The third alternative was the alternative that best kerana escape him more was easy.
    In addition also SF was adjacent and easily gave help approximately was needed.

    Rajah above showed the place was waiting speda the motor.
    It is best to used 2 speda the motor (motorbike), one to shooter and other to SF. If the target was ascertained, then shooter would in connection with speda the motor (motorbike).
    Speda the motor (motorbike) mengkonfirmasi bahawa he will move to the stop to take shooter and SF. That must be determined thoroughly he really the trip speda the motor from the hang out place to the pass with the shooting action.
    This could be determined with several times the exercise exercise.
    Moreover also must be paid close attention to by the proceeding period the target to the place of the shooting."

    or page 2 on how to attach a grenade to a car

    "When moving in Jalan

    Secara the rough line, two (2) the person of the perpetrators rode the motorcycle followed the target car.
    If the condition for the traffic enabled, speda the motor will be blocked to the car and pembonceng speda the motor will stick granad to the car.
    The position tempelan granad could in the windscreen, window glasses by the target, glasses behind or on the car cylinder.
    Granad or the measuring bomb small (around 2 kg) could was made dependent in the car spy.
    After granad/the bomb broke out, the shooting of continuation could be carried out.
    The modus operandi of the moving car was 3, like berikut:-
    Tempel and kabur

    Tempel, was waiting granad meledak

    And again did tembakan

    Shot and threw granad
    Tempel and Kabur

    If the condition for the traffic has been just right, then speda the motor will approach the car and pembonceng will stick granad to the car.
    After tempelan speda the motor bolted.
    Diharapakan the explosion granad will turn off the target.
    The weakness of this modus operandi of being granad did not have the power ledak that strong.
    The big possibility of the injury target but did not die.
    In order to be difficult to cling granad that big.
    Practically, biggest the measurement granad around 500 gm.
    This was enough to break the windscreen but definitely did not yet be (wallahualam) deadly the target.
    A big part the power granad (75%) was not aimed in the car.
    This could be overcome by sticking the bomb that bigger his weight (around 2 kg) dibumbung the car.
    The other alternative was to hang the bomb that bigger (around 3 kg) in the car spy.
    The possibility of the bomb that bigger this was more effective.
    But carefully with the spy that could be "folded" from inside the car.
    Dikuatiri the spy in folded during the period of the bomb in make dependent in the spy so as the bomb fell to the street.

    "Western nations warn of attacks in Indonesia
    2:37 PM November 19

    Australia, the United States and Britain have issued fresh warnings about possible terrorist attacks in Indonesia after a militant website showed how and where to kill foreigners in Jakarta.

    Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has warned travellers that attacks could be staged against Western interests before the end of the year.

    The website, called Anshar El Muslimin, shows in diagrams how to shoot foreigners in Jakarta or throw grenades at motorists stuck in the city's notorious traffic jams.

    Indonesian police say the website has been set up by one of three men named as suspects this week over the October 1 restaurant bombings on Bali that killed 20 people.

    "We continue to receive reports suggesting that terrorists are in the advanced stages of planning attacks against Western interests in Indonesia," DFAT said on its website

    "Recent new information suggests that terrorists may be planning attacks to occur before the end of 2005."

    The militant website, written in Indonesian, has suggested assassinations could be staged in Jakarta's Kuningan area on streets or pedestrian overpasses.

    The area includes the Australian Embassy, the Ambassador Mall and JW Marriott Hotel.

    Islamic militants linked to Al Qaeda launched suicide car bombs on the Marriott Hotel in 2003 and outside the Australian Embassy last year.

    Those attacks killed 22 people combined.

    DFAT says Bali could also be targeted again.

    The warning comes just days after Indonesia's Metro TV broadcast a video of a masked man believed to be one of Asia's most wanted militants warning Western countries, especially Australia, of more attacks.

    US, UK warnings

    The US Embassy in Jakarta, in a message to Americans, says the website indicates militants are changing tactics.

    "In addition to past information which indicated that terrorists would target specific businesses or buildings, the new information shows that terrorists are likely now planning to attack Westerners riding in cars or walking on streets, sidewalks or pedestrian overpasses in Jakarta," the message said.

    "The Embassy considers that the information on the website was developed by persons with serious terrorist intent."

    The US State Department is warning Americans to put off unnecessary travel to Indonesia.

    Great Britain has issued a similar warning."

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