VHP 2.26% $2.04 vital healthcare property trust ordinary units


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    16/09/2013 08:30
    REL: 0830 HRS Vital Healthcare Property Trust
    Disclosure of movement of 1% or more in substantial holding or change in
    nature of relevant interest or both
    Sections 23 and 24, Securities Markets Act 1988
    Relevant event being disclosed
    The acquisition of 1,441,947 units on market on behalf of NorthWest
    International Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (NWI REIT)
    and the subsequent intra-group transfer of that interest to NWI Healthcare
    Properties LP (NWI LP).
    Date of relevant event:  On-market acquisitions between 3 and 12 September
    To:  NZX Limited
    And:  Vital Healthcare Property Trust
    Date this disclosure made:  16 September 2013
    Date last disclosure made:  30 August 2013
    Substantial security holder(s) giving disclosure
    Name(s):  NorthWest Value Partners Inc., Paul Dalla Lana as trustee for
    NorthWest Real Estate Investment Trust, Paul Dalla Lana as trustee for
    NorthWest Operating Trust, NWI Healthcare Properties LP, NWI Healthcare
    Properties GP Inc and NorthWest International Healthcare Properties Real
    Estate Investment Trust (together referred to as "NorthWest")
    Contact details: Paul Dalla Lana ((001)14163668300 / [email protected])
    Summary of substantial holding to which disclosure relates
    Class of listed voting securities: Ordinary Units
    Summary for NorthWest
    For this disclosure,--
    (a) total number held in class: 78,0508,329
    (b) total in class: 337,743,500
    (c) total percentage held in class: 23..11%
    For last disclosure,--
    (a) total number held in class: 76,605,382
    (b) total in class: 337,742,960
    (c) total percentage held in class: 22.682%
    Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event
    Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure under the
    instructions to this form:
    On-market purchases on behalf of NWI REIT of, in aggregate, 1,441,947 Units
    in Vital Healthcare Property Trust for total consideration of $1,981,854.42
    and the subsequent intra-group transfer of NWI REIT's interest in those Units
    to NWI LP for $1,981,854.42.
    Details of relevant interests in substantial holding after relevant event
    Details for NorthWest
    1. Nature of relevant interest(s):  Beneficial title
    NorthWest has a relevant interest in 10,510,751 units held by FNZ Custodians
    Limited as nominee on behalf of NWI.
    For that relevant interest,--
    (a) number held in class: 10,510,751
    (b) percentage held in class: 3.11%
    (c) current registered holder(s) of securities: FNZ Custodians Limited
    (d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered:  NA
    2. Nature of relevant interest(s):  Securities lending arrangement
    Interest in units under a securities lending arrangement with Macquarie
    Capital Markets Canada Ltd (Macquarie Canada), pursuant to which NorthWest
    has a relevant interest in 67,547,578 units in VHP that have been lent to
    Macquarie Canada by NWI for a period ending 15 November 2013 (unless
    terminated earlier).  Amongst other things, under that arrangement Macquarie
    Canada agrees that, in respect of those units lent to Macquarie Canada:
    A. it will arrange for voting rights equal to the voting rights attached to
    the units lent to Macquarie Canada to be exercised in accordance with the
    instructions of NWI; and
    B. it will redeliver units of an identical number and type to NWI at the end
    of the one year term or earlier if NWI gives written notice requesting
    redelivery or an "event of default" arises.
    A summary of the relevant agreement giving arise to the interest is attached
    as Schedule 1 (1 page).
    For that relevant interest,--
    (a) number held in class: 67,547,578
    (b) percentage held in class: 19.999%
    (c) current registered holder(s) of securities: Macquarie Capital Markets
    Canada Ltd
    (d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered:  NA
    Additional information
    Nature of connection between substantial security holders:  NorthWest Real
    Estate Investment Trust, NorthWest Operating Trust, NWI Healthcare Properties
    LP, NWI Healthcare Properties GP Inc and NorthWest International Healthcare
    Properties Real Estate Investment Trust are each either directly or
    indirectly, controlled by, or related to, NorthWest Value Partners Inc.
    Address(es) of substantial security holder(s): c/o 284 King Street East,
    Toronto, ON M5A 1K4
    Name of any other person believed to have given, or believed to be required
    to give, a disclosure under the Act in relation to the securities to which
    this disclosure relates:  Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd
    I, Paul Dalla Lana, declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the
    information contained in this disclosure is correct and that I am duly
    authorised to make this disclosure by all persons for whom it is made.
    Schedule 1
    Agreement: Global Master Securities Lending Agreement ("SLA")
    Date of Agreement: 16 November 2012.
    Parties: NWI Healthcare Properties LP by its general partner NWI Healthcare
    Properties GP Inc. ("NWI")
    Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd ("Macquarie Canada")
    Securities Loan: Pursuant to the SLA, NWI has transferred (or "loaned")
    67,547,578 units in the Vital Healthcare Property Trust ("Vital Units") to
    Macquarie Canada in return for Macquarie Canada paying to it an amount of
    cash collateral (the "SLA Collateral").
    The Vital Units became the property of Macquarie Canada under the SLA, with
    Macquarie Canada having the ability to deal with the Vital Units without
    SLA Collateral: The SLA Collateral that Macquarie Canada must pay to NWI is
    calculated by reference to the value of the Vital Units from time to time.
    If the value of the Vital Units increases, Macquarie Canada will be required
    to pay additional SLA Collateral to NWI, while NWI will be required to repay
    part of the SLA Collateral to Macquarie Canada if the value of the Vital
    Units declines.
    NWI must pay interest on the SLA Collateral it holds to Macquarie Canada.
    Distributions and voting rights: Macquarie Canada must pay to NWI amounts
    equal to the net cash distributions paid on the Vital Units and arrange for
    voting rights equal to the voting rights attached to the Vital Units to be
    exercised in accordance with the instructions of NWI.
    Term and termination: The securities loan of the Vital Units under the SLA is
    due to terminate on 15 November 2013 (or any earlier date agreed by the
    parties).  Both NWI and Macquarie Canada may, at their option, terminate the
    securities loan at any time before that date (subject, in the case of
    Macquarie Canada, to giving not less than 30 days prior notice to NWI).
    The SLA may also be terminated early in certain situations, such as default
    by a party.
    On termination of the securities loan, Macquarie Canada is generally required
    to deliver to NWI a number of units in Vital equal to the Vital Units, and
    NWI is required to repay the SLA Collateral.
    Guarantee: The obligations of NWI in respect of the SLA have been guaranteed
    by NorthWest International Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust
    pursuant to a Deed of Guarantee and Indemnity entered into by NorthWest
    International Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust and
    Macquarie Canada and dated 16 November 2012.
    End CA:00241112 For:VHP    Type:SSH        Time:2013-09-16 08:30:04
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