why the creationist view promotes war , page-73

  1. 422 Posts.

    For the record, I never said my Marriage was a failure, I said we had conflict as my Wife did not want to Marry but I did and even if my Marriage was a failure it is not Marriage that is the problem but the 2 People involved.

    Also I am not a Muslim as you inferred previously, I am the Son of a British Immigrant Father who was a Firefighter and who was also the Son of a Firefighter who fought the Fires of London in WW2 and a Sicilian Mother who's Parents came out to escape War and help develop the cane Industry in North Qld.

    Why do you preach from your Bible like you have knowledge yet you don't believe in God? Now that is a conflicted personality and I suggest that it is you that needs Medical help.

    You Said "I already explained to you humans come from sperm, ovum, sex, atoms, molecules, etc"

    That's not an answer where did they come from, did they just appear out of thin Air... Whoooooof....then there was a Human having Sex and procreating. Its you that make me laugh as you have nothing!

    You also said "lol...you make me laugh. despite all of your marriage problems you still praise marriage."

    Hang on a minute, you say Gays should have Marriage, even though they do not believe in God, who's arrangement Marriage is but now you seem to be knocking it, that's more evidence of your poor conflicted Soul.

    zzdx, give up while your behind as you are just digging a bigger Hole for yourself!


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