KAR 1.62% $1.57 karoon energy ltd

the conspiracy

  1. 7,294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 564
    Dear friends and general holders,

    The people that follow my comments know I'm a deep analyst of events. Always searching " what is going on".(doesn't matter if matches or not with my personal beleives or holds)

    I receive several critic texts when I wrote MANY MANY times the "BUYERS ARE THE SELLERS" (or vice versa) inclusive people laughing and making some jokes.

    I accepted as part of the democratic way to participate in Foruns.

    Now, after this 3 major holders disclosed their "buys and sells",everybody can see as clear as a day(but just if you really want search and open and put in excel spreadsheet the buys and sells that they disclose.

    They are our "friends" and they are also ourt "WORST ENEMIES".

    They are the ones with power to do what they CONFESS in such disclose the ones that come in "good days" and trow hundreds and thousands in market forcing the price down and avoiding the price have his natural course.
    Please read their announcements showing day by day their purchases (please see also last Wellington list)

    They are the ones, when without any single reasobale reason (except make their own profit) buy and sell in the same day in manouvres and manouvres that make general investors(like you and me) be just a puppet in their hands.

    Conspiracy not necessarily is "ilegal" is just one way to conspire,to inspire actions that finally obtain results to himself "AGAINST" OTHERS.(the "against" is the differential)

    That is the difference.

    When you (that is reading now this text) buy, you don't think you will damage the next buyer.,.You buy because you believe the share goes up and than you want sell to make your profit.

    When you sell is because you also belive the company will not provide good results in short term and you prefer buy later after this "bad events you forecast" happens.

    But that is not the case of our major holders.

    They dont play "events". They "create" the events and this is the "conspiracy".(Do you understand clearly with my poor english the concept I'm presentring ?)

    For sure Karoon board is not too interested to go really deep . How come if they obvious know in the end they are the guys that make the price what is now.

    And why not interested ? Inclusive because they are the 50% of votes to go ahead with any endeavour the board wants (inclusive raise the 150m).
    Is like, "one hand wash the other"

    ok- not too nice say that, not too popular,but wait a little bit..But dont come early conclusions. I'm not saying Kar board is "the conspirer".

    If the board have any "ilegal prove" they should act.

    Obviously this funds are not stupid. They do everything 200% legal(in spite 300% un ethical and 500% disgustng).The board even if they want..have nothing to do.

    To us ?

    Remain just the sad,but the realistic position to wait until "they want to see the real value unlocked".

    Meaning, our patience is not linked with "market" or drilling or JV events, but 2,3 or 4 major holders when they want to stop kidnap the share (and I also wrote this).

    Some of my critics wrote that I usually drivel write text non sense and baseless.

    Today I'm presenting to you the prove that my texts was much more realsitic that the good YA texts.(and please believe me I really enjoy and love his/her texts and so sewrious anlisis like many other gas-black,froggy,stevo-denver-ana etc etcetec)

    She/he(Ya) presented FACTS involving the wells.

    I presented facts involving the "share" price that proved was ZERO LINKED with well.

    We discover Proteus and ?
    10 cents less, or 30 less,or 50 less or 1.50 less depending from where you want analised.

    Became usless Ya commnents about chances and tech details..In the end if we discover 1 zilion tons of gas if our "3 mosqueters" want the share drop 5 cents.(with or without discovery).That will happens.

    Does Somebody want challenge my conclusion ?

    Probably I'll reduce substantially my number of texts. Really so low and not important things to say after that conclusions.

    I hope also, was not overlooked the fact that our major shareholder also SHORTED the share.
    Can you please "listen"

    SHORTED !!!

    Such un ethical, such disgusting such ridiculous thing. If you come to an company and believe in the project you buy and caput.
    If you dislike and you don't beleive,no problems. Exercise your right and short as much as you want.

    But became substantial shareholder occupy a leader position, access the best infomration(yes of course they receive the same quality info as us,but for sure they do and access and have team to do their best search),and you play "short" ?

    Imagine if the partner of your small business or medcal practice ,bet against you and he is your partner.What concept you will have about him ?

    This is the most amazing "confession of rubbish" quality of holders Karoon could have.

    Please dont arrive to early easy wrong analogies and conclusions.
    We are not BHP where people come in to buy,sell, short and so on. In BHP case the game is fair because all game is high players to all sides and at the same day you have 1000 people playing up, but 1000 playing down.

    Karoon is a small company.

    When one major fund like Wellingfton or the other "mosqueters" come and buy or sell, they know they are using atomic bombs against a small insect.
    They not just know that but they take adavantage of that.


    I'm basically after 8 consecutive profits, in this 9th journey basically I'm in break even.(loosing 4 cents per share)

    That gives me moral status to say what I say.

    I'm not acting as an ungry shareholder making huge losses and happy to damage the reputaion of board,company or major shareholders..

    Sorry to tell you(if you still dont know),but your share "will not" go up tomorrow after any JV.

    Unless the major want or the news are so fantastic that they can't cope with an storm of new buyers.

    Unless something like that happen don't spent your time analysing too much deep so many good texts we saw here talking about gas,eocene,secctions,sidetracks or so .

    This became irrelevant.

    We run a risk to have a dust in some well and the share also goes up.
    Just because that is the current nature of the game.

    Our share is not OIL AND GAS

    Our share is just a cassino coin that we believe is a share and according with results we will receive the risk prize. .

    But not.

    They are playing with us and with our money.

    Good week end and good luck


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