GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

pm industry in denial or in ostrich mode

  1. 421 Posts.
    While the entire precious metals mining industry sits idly by watching meekly the American cabal of the Fed, ESF, WS and BIS destroying the viability of their industry by underhandedly smashing gold and silver to way below the true, all inclusive, production costs!

    In the same vein, no one in the investment community raises a finger to protect their investments from annihilation by these criminal, self-serving American gangsters.

    Neither does anyone in the precious metals community take any action or at the very least denounce them in clear terms for what it is; a criminal racket that destroys trillions of dollars invested in the precious metals industry from mining to investing. One notable exception to note is Dr. PC Roberts, who has the gumption of call a spade a spade and doesn’t shy away from outing the crims in power.

    With every smash these gangsters garner billions of dollars and estimates put the figure for JPM alone to some $6 billion in profits from the latest single destructive smash alone. But of course over the course of the suppression racket, which has been going on for the last fifty years, trillions has been looted from productive citizens with complete impunity through these rigged markets where only the riggers always win the hapless muppets always lose!

    Just the smash from $1,920 to $1,180 has cost the gold mining industry at the very baseline some $60 to $80 billions in lost revenue alone, then there is silver and all the other commodities which are also all rigged.

    But of course the suppression racket has been going on for five decades so the real cost to the industry is incalculable, yet they won’t even do as much as utter a groan.

    There is zero doubt that this cabal is behind every smash and the suppression of prices; the most connected, high profile industry insiders, aficionados and analysts all agree on this. As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts put it: Arrest the (gold and silver) market riggers! It’s all in support of the venal $, used to rort the system as the world’s reserve currency where they can print unlimited amounts and buy real goods and assets from around the globe.

    There can of course be no legitimacy in the unilateral rigging of markets by the Americans, nor anyone else, which affects everyone else world wide; no 1934 Gold Reserve Act, which established the ESF, nor any other spurious, self-serving American act.
    Let alone the criminal destruction of trillions of dollars of people’s wealth invested in the PM industry world wide!

    The very least anyone can do is to urge their gold/silver miner to unite as an industry and take action against a criminal cabal which is destroying their entire industry and trillions in investments along with it.

    The WS Banksters regularly boast of ‘perfect quarters’ where they make a profit in excess of 100m every single trading day from their ‘trading desk’ alone. Of course this is only possible in totally rigged markets. For ‘trading desk’ read ‘Rape, loot and pillage from the other hapless market participants not in on the loop’, i.e. everyone else apart from the Government protected WS mega Banksters.

    With the CFTC apparently closing the 5 year long investigation into the blatant Ag market rigging, it has only confirmed what everyone already knew, that it is the ‘authorities’ behind the criminal suppression racket, allowing the WS Banksters to profiteer at everyone else’s expense.
    One law for all of us, No law for the Bankster oligarchy.
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